Code of Ethics for Amman Academy Teachers
All teachers are bound by a code of ethics based on the principles of equity, natural justice, and a strong commitment to caring relationships at all levels.
All members of staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times when on the School campus and while representing the School in any activity.
This includes all aspects of dealings with students, parents, colleagues and visitors to the School. Staff should be aware that comments and actions can often be copied, exaggerated or misinterpreted by others and we all have a responsibility to serve as positive role models.
Staff should be careful to avoid over-familiarity with students and parents, and avoid situations which may lead to a conflict of interest or a compromising of the position of an employee of the School.
The acceptance of financial payments and substantial gifts other than small tokens of appreciation from parents and students is strictly prohibited, and should be politely refused.
- A teacher will strive to represent the welfare and well-being of their pupils at all times.
- A teacher will acknowledge the uniqueness and potential of each child and enhance their strengths, competence and self-esteem
- A teacher will strive to help the child learn to interact effectively and in doing so to learn to balance their own rights, needs and feelings with those of others.
- A teacher will strive to create and maintain a stimulating and safe learning environment in which children can feel comfortable to explore and take risks.
- A teacher will create and maintain a unique relationship with students and will not exploit that relationship for any material, ideological or personal gain.
- A teacher is expected to be regular and punctual in attendance to all teaching duties.
- A teacher should give advance notice to his or her school if he or she is not going to work due for obvious reasons.
- A teacher should be well groomed and dressed appropriately at all times during work hours.
- Smoking and the use of illegal drugs is illegal at the workplace at any time. Working or reporting to work under the influence of alcohol will not be tolerated. Alcohol on the premises is not allowed.
- A teacher is expected to act in good faith, act responsibly with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresenting the school
- A teacher is expected to be honest and reliable in executing their duties both within and outside of school.
- The teacher should communicate and act towards all students, parents, colleagues, and other school personnel with respect, honesty, and fairness, mindful of others individual rights and sensibilities.
- The teacher seeks at all times to promote the positive aspects of cultural diversity.
- The teacher shall not, on the basis of race, colour, creed, gender, nationality, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background, or sexual orientation, unfairly exclude any student from participation in a program or activity, or discriminate against a colleague.
- The teacher respects the parents’ rights to an education for their children that does not challenge a particular religion, culture or belief structure.
Professional Development
- A teacher has the responsibility to maintain professional development and growth through ongoing consideration and study of current developments in education and teaching practices.
Communication with Colleagues and Parents
- A teacher has the responsibility to establish and maintain effective, courteous and productive communication with other members of the profession.
- The teacher respects the confidential nature of information and communication concerning students and may give it only to authorised persons directly concerned with their welfare.
Rights of Parents
- A teacher recognises the right of parents/guardians to be informed about their child.
- A teacher respects the parents’ rights to an education which does not challenge their legitimate right to have their children raised in a particular religion, culture or belief structure.
- A teacher will respect the confidentiality of communications between the teacher and child, teacher and parent and teacher and colleagues.
- A teacher will recognise the right of parents/guardians to accurate and timely information regarding the welfare and academic progress of their child.
Promote the Interest of the Profession
- A teacher will at all times promote the interest of the teaching profession and encourage a positive attitude towards the school in the wider community.
Responsibility to the School
- The teacher acknowledges the responsibility to further the mission, aims and philosophies of Amman Academy.
- The teacher as an individual or as a member of a group of teachers does not make unauthorised representation in the name of Amman Academy (for example, unauthorized use of the school name, logo or letterhead).
- At all times, each employee of the school should represent the school positively to other colleagues, the school community and in the broader society in which they mix.