Child Safeguarding

Child safeguarding policies are crucial, serving to protect children’s safety and well-being.
Policies provide clear guidelines for preventing, identifying, and responding to risks of abuse or harm within the school environment. By fostering a culture of awareness and accountability, these policies ensure that educators, staff, and the broader community understand their roles in safeguarding children. They also address emerging challenges like cyberbullying, reflecting a commitment to creating a safe and nurturing environment where children can thrive. 

excerpt from our Mission statement:

 “To provide an emotionally supportive and physically safe environment.” 


Child abuse and neglect are of concern in schools throughout the world. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s human rights and are obstacles to a child’s education as well as to their physical, emotional, and social development. Amman Academy has a responsibility to protect children. We need to ensure that all children in our care are provided with a safe and secure environment in which to grow and develop.

The Amman Academy Child Safeguarding Policy seeks to protect the student, the family and the Amman Academy community.

This Policy was endorsed by the Amman Academy Board in 2019

Amman Academy is responsible to provide a safe environment for all students, free from abuse. The school uses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a framework for the policy. (Indonesia is a signatory to the UN convention on the Rights of the Child.) Amman Academy relies on preventative practices to reduce risk and will respond quickly and effectively to reports of incidents that are harmful to our students. It is mandatory for any Amman Academy employees to report any suspected abuse either in or out of school to the Head of School, Principal, or Child Safeguarding Officer.

CSC (Child Safeguarding Coordinator ) – Ibu Ely Harun

School Counselor – Ms. Anastasia Isaeva

Child Safeguarding Team will comprise the Head of School, principals and CSC.

There are three main elements to our child safeguarding policy and procedures:

Prevention of potential abuse through the creation of a positive school atmosphere and the teaching and pastoral support offered to all students.

Preparedness: Policy and procedures in place and ensuring all staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to child safeguarding concerns.

Prompt response and support for any student who may have been abused.

Child abuse and neglect are of concern in schools throughout the world. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s human rights and are obstacles to a child’s education as well as to their physical, emotional, and social development. Amman Academy has a responsibility to protect children. We need to ensure that all children in our care are provided with a safe and secure environment in which to grow and develop.

As educators, we observe and interact with children over time on a daily basis, and are in a unique position to identify children who need help and protection. We have a professional and ethical obligation to identify children who are in need of protection and to ensure that the child and family avail themselves of the services needed to remedy any situation that constitutes child abuse or neglect.

All faculty and staff at Amman Academy are mandated to report their concerns to the Child Safeguarding Co-ordinator about the well-being of any student. Reporting and follow up of all suspected incidences of child abuse or neglect will proceed in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures linked to this policy.

Amman Academy will distribute this policy annually to all parents and applicants, will communicate this policy annually to students, will provide annual training for all faculty and staff, and will make every effort to implement hiring practices to ensure the safety of children. In the case of a staff member reported as an alleged offender, Amman Academy will conduct a full investigation following a carefully designed course of due process.

Amman Academy has a rich and diverse community with multiple cultural beliefs, values and practices. To respect the diverse nature of the community, for the purposes of our child safeguarding policy, we have chosen to follow the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) definition of abuse and neglect. The WHO declares:

“Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.”

For the purposes of this document a child is defined as being any person under the age of 18 or any person enrolled at Amman Academy as a full-time student, even if that person has reached his/her 18th birthday. A detailed explanation of the different types of child abuse considered by Amman Academy are designated below.

Physical Abuse- A form of abuse which may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or caregiver fabricates the symptoms of, or deliberately induces, illness in a child.

Physically abused children exhibit a range of signs, including:

● Bruises, burns, sprains, dislocations, bites, cuts

● Improbable excuses given to explain injuries

● Injuries which have not received medical attention

● Injuries to the body in places that aren’t normally exposed to falls, etc.

● Repeated urinary infections or unexplained stomach pains

● Refusal to discuss injuries

● Withdrawal from physical contact

● Fear of returning home or of parents being contacted

● Showing wariness or distrust of adults

● Self-destructive tendencies

● Being aggressive towards others

● Being very passive and compliant

● Chronically running away

● Excessive need to use the toilet without a medical reason

● Arms and legs are kept covered in hot weather (not related to religious attire)

Emotional Abuse 

It is generally understood that ”neglect” refers to a range of circumstances in which a parent or caregiver fails to adequately provide for a child’s basic needs:

● Through the provision of food, shelter and clothing

● By ensuring their access to medical care when necessary

● By providing them with care, love and support

● By showing appropriate moral and legal guidance

● By ensuring that the child regularly attends school

● By exercising adequate supervision and control of the child

Emotionally abused children exhibit a range of signs, including:

● Low self-esteem

● High anxiety

● Inappropriate emotional response to painful situations

● Compulsive stealing

● Obsessions or phobias

● Sudden under-achievement or lack of concentration

● Difficulties with school attendance

● Difficulty making friends

● Attention-seeking behavior

● Incontinence and mysterious pains

● Persistent tiredness

● Lying

● Delayed physical, mental and emotional development

● Inappropriate need for physical contact

Possible Indicators of Neglected children exhibit a range of signs, including:

● The child is unwashed, hungry and/or improperly clothed

● Parents are uninterested in the child’s academic performance

● Parents do not respond to repeated communications from the school

● The child does not want to go home

Sexual Abuse – Involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration (for example, rape or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).

Possible Indicators of Sexual Abuse:

● Pain or irritation to the genital area

● Vaginal or penile discharge

● Excessive toilet usage without medical reason

● Difficulty with urination

● Excessive masturbation

● Sexually provocative behavior

● Being unusually quiet and withdrawn or unusually aggressive

● Suffering from what seem to be physical ailments that can’t be explained medically

● Showing fear or distrust of a particular adult

● Mentioning receiving special attention from an adult or a new “secret” friendship with an adult or older student

● Refusal to continue with school or usual social activities

● Sexual behavior, language, or knowledge too advanced for their age

Child Safeguarding is the responsibility of all adults and especially those working with students. The development of appropriate procedures and the monitoring of good practice are the responsibilities of the Child Safeguarding Coordinator, the Leadership team and the Board of Trustees. It is the role of the Child Safeguarding Coordinator (CSC) to ensure that all of the child safeguarding procedures are followed within the school. Additionally, it is the role of the CSC to ensure that all staff employed, including temporary staff and volunteers within the school, are aware of the school’s internal procedures, to advise staff and to offer support to those requiring this.

The role of the Head of School is to review all cases referred to him/her, to ensure that appropriate resources and support are assigned to assist the CSC team, alert the Crisis Management Team of any incidents that need to be referred to external agencies or could otherwise damage the reputation of the school or refer to separate Crisis Management Protocols.


Amman Academy will ensure, within reason, that its employees are suitable people to work with children. Amman Academy has implemented a number of checks during its recruitment process with the aim of ensuring that:

• Candidates who have a criminal record or about whom there have been some concerns about their suitability to work with children are not offered a position

• Successful candidates fully understand their responsibilities towards Child Safeguarding while employed at the school

• Amman Academy maintains appropriate records that might be required in a possible future investigation or inquiry

Amman Academy will work with the Recruitment Agencies (ISS, Search etc.) to ensure that the reference checks and background screening undertaken by such agencies compliments Amman Academy’s own recruitment protocols. Background checks will be carried out for all Indonesian staff and for those expatriate staff who are not able to provide a police clearance certificate or if there are concerns about the reliability of such certificates.

Employment Records The following records will be maintained by Amman Academy in respect of every employee, either in hard copy or digital format. (Since 2018)

• Full CV (any gaps in employment accounted for)

• Statement of Suitability by the candidate

• Reference checks that cover the last two periods of employment

• Police Reports from Home of Record and/or Place of last employment (with 5 years minimum teaching experience)

• Background check including criminal record, social media search and sex offender clearance by external agency, where appropriate

• Medical Report

• HIV and Substance abuse tests

• Undergo full Child Safeguarding training as part of their orientation Amman Academy

If an employee is observed to be acting inappropriately towards, or in the presence of, a student, then this must be reported to either the Principal or the Head of School and will be dealt with confidentiality as a disciplinary matter.

All adults who are regularly working on the Amman Academy campus will be expected to undergo appropriate training on a regular basis depending upon their level of engagement with students and their roles with regards to Child Safeguarding. Initial training will be delivered in-house, normally during the orientation process.

The Child Safeguarding Training will educate people on the following:

• The history and background of Amman Academy’s policy and procedures

• How to recognise safeguarding concerns in regards to children

• Whom to report any safeguarding concerns to

• How to respond sensitively and appropriately to students who have experienced any form of abuse or neglect

• Appropriate boundaries and guidelines for adults in regards to working with children

A strong part of the Amman Academy culture is the warmth and openness of relationships between staff and students. Amman Academy believes that this should be preserved while ensuring that all students remain safe and comfortable while at school.

Training will also be given to volunteers and coaches who regularly interact with students on campus. Amman Academy will endeavor to ensure that all Community groups who use our facilities outside of normal school hours, understand and adhere to Amman Academy Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures and that coaches and other adults have received Child Safeguarding training as appropriate.

All students at Amman Academy are educated in our Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. In the Elementary School, lessons are delivered in the classrooms and organized by age-appropriate themes, including: safety, relationships and networks of support. Every year students are educated about the Amman Academy Safeguarding policy, which includes information for students on their individual rights as well as education about the adults to go to in terms of support and safety.

We must show prudent discretion before touching another person, especially children, and be aware of how physical touch will be perceived or received, and whether it would be an appropriate expression of greeting, care, concern, or celebration. Amman Academy personnel and volunteers are prohibited at all times from physically disciplining a child. Physical contact with children can be misconstrued both by the recipient and by those who observe it, and should occur only when completely nonsexual and otherwise appropriate, and never in private.

One-on-one meetings with a child or young person are best held in a public area; in a room where the interaction can be (or is being) observed; or in a room with the door left open and another staff member or supervisor is notified about the meeting. We must intervene when there is evidence of, or there is reasonable cause to suspect, that children are being abused in any way. Suspected abuse, neglect or observed inappropriate behavior by another person towards a child must be reported as described in the Child Safeguarding Policy of the school.

Reporting Concerns “Doing nothing is not an option.” All adults at Amman Academy have a duty to act if they have a concern about a child’s welfare. Abuse can take many forms. Frequently both victims and perpetrators work hard to conceal that abuse is taking place. A concern may just be a “gut reaction” to something heard or observed which doesn’t feel right. It may be more specific by way of a witnessed event or disclosure. Whatever the nature of the concern, adults will be expected to:

1.  Recognize their concern.

2. Communicate their concern to a Child Safeguarding Officer within 24 hours. A specific disclosure by a student must be reported before the close of the school day.

3. Follow up their concern with a written report by completing a Report of Concern Form, can also be downloaded from Amman Academy website.

Concerns or alerts may be as a result of:

• Observed student behavior (physical, emotional, change in behavior)

• Hearsay (third party disclosure)

• Disclosure (specific report made by a student directly or via a trusted adult)

• Observed adult behavior (breach of Code of Conduct)

Handling a Disclosure:

In most cases reports of concern will be based on observations, hearsay or a “gut feeling”. However, on occasion, a student may make a direct disclosure to a faculty or staff member on campus. It is best practice in these situations for the adult to articulate to the student that “This sounds like a safety concern, let’s go and speak with a Child Safeguarding Officer.” If that is not possible, the following are some guidelines for adults in a disclosure situation:

• Listen carefully to what is said.

• Don’t interrupt or prompt

• Respond simply, let the child tell the story in his/her own words

• Don’t interrogate or lead the child in questioning and if necessary use TED questions:

TELL me what happened

EXPLAIN what happened

DESCRIBE what happened

• Reassure the child that they are right to speak up

• Be calm, attentive, and nonjudgmental

• Do Not Promise Confidentiality – make it clear that this cannot be kept a secret and that you have a duty to report it to a CSC / Counselor who is properly trained to help students in this situation

• Write it down – use the child’s words as far as possible and record anything else that concerned you

Hierarchy of Reporting

Under normal circumstances, a Report of Concern can be given to the CSC, preferably one from the same division as the student about whom there is a concern. Under certain circumstances, however, the report must be made to a person with the appropriate level of authority as follows:

• If the concern involves any Amman Academy student, the Report of Concern should be made to a Child Safeguarding Coordinator (CSC)

• If the Concern involves a member of the faculty or host country staff, the Report of Concern should be made to the divisional Principal, then Head of School since this may become a disciplinary matter. Where necessary, the identity of the person making a report about another member of staff will remain confidential

• If the concern involves a visiting student (Community Sports or Service programs etc.), then the Report of Concern should go to the principal

• If the concern involves a contractor, then the Report of Concern must be made to the Head of School

• If the concern involves the Head of School (or a member of the Board of Management) then the report should be made to the Chair of the Board of Trustees

Essentially, the CSC receiving the report must inform the student’s counselor and the counselor will be responsible for logging the Report of Concern in the Incident Reporting System within 24 hours. The CSC will discuss the report to see if there is reasonable cause to be concerned. If there appears to be reasonable cause to be concerned, the CSC will assist in setting up a Child Response Team (CRT), usually led by the Counselor who normally works with the student, to undertake an initial assessment to establish whether the student is in need of support. In order to make an initial assessment, it may be necessary to collect additional information:

1.  If there is missing information (date, time, location etc.), going back to the original reporter and see if he/she has anything more to add to their report.

2. If there are possible signs of physical abuse, a check should be made of medical records kept by the Medical Clinic.

3. If there were other witnesses to an incident, these witnesses should also be asked to make written statements.

4. Obtaining the student’s attendance records and academic records to see whether there are changes in patterns, if appropriate.

5. A search of the database should be made to see if there have been any other Reports of Concern made about the possible victim, his/her family or the alleged perpetrator.

6. Talking with teachers who interact with the student on a regular basis.

7. If the incident suggests that a member of staff, coach or contractor is involved, the Head of School or Deputy Head of School should be alerted. Any disciplinary matters relating to a breach in the Code of Conduct will be dealt with by the senior administration.

Based on the data collected, the Child Response Team will make an assessment as to the level of risk to the child’s wellbeing and agree to a strategy for working with the student and family. Most cases will be “low level” in terms of providing early intervention and giving a student and/or family counselling support. If the child appears to be “at risk” i.e having suffered significant abuse that threatens his/her long-term well being (i.e. a situation that cannot be resolved by parental/student education or intervention), then the Principal and Head of School must be informed.

It may be necessary to bring in outside agencies such as:

• External investigator if there is a possible criminal act

• The Employer or Embassy if the alleged offender is a parent of a student

• Appropriate Indonesian authorities or other child protection agencies

Amman Academy will maintain, and regularly review, a database of external agencies and other resources that can be called upon to provide additional resources and/or assistance where necessary. Amman Academy will ensure that such agencies are able to provide support and are fully briefed, in case they need to be called upon. This will be the responsibility of the CSC. The decision to involve outside agencies will be taken by the Head of School in consultation with the Child Response Team, and others as appropriate. Depending on the nature of the incident, the Crisis Management Protocol will be initiated.

The school will also endeavor to ensure that those CSC’s and other staff involved with a case of child abuse receive appropriate counseling and support themselves so that they are able to maintain a highly professional standard of care without undue personal stress.

Guidelines for Faculty and Staff at Amman Academy:

All Faculty and Staff are educated around creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in regards to interactions with students. All adults working at Amman Academy are encouraged to maintain personal boundary awareness by adhering to the following guidelines:

• Always remaining in the adult role

• Being aware of how students perceive your role

• Always acting as a role model for students

• Recognizing that it is your (the adult’s) responsibility to set and maintain boundaries

• Recognizing that it is your responsibility as to keep boundaries clear, consistent and appropriate for the circumstances. Good teaching requires making strong and meaningful connections with students as well as setting and respecting clear and healthy boundaries. This does not mean that any adult should be reluctant to form close supportive relationships with students. As professionals all faculty and staff need to act with accountability. In this it is helpful to avoid opaque, isolated or discrete conduct with any student.

If any concern about a faculty or staff member occurs all adults are encouraged to:

• Speak up and tell the person directly or consult with someone

• Do not wait for the behavior to become more concerning

• If your concern persists tell an administrator

• Do NOT assume someone else will take care of it

• You will never be in trouble for expressing your concerns

Record keeping is essential to the gathering of information and intelligence and detailed notes must be kept of all meetings relating to a Child Safeguarding issue. The Incident Reporting System will be used to maintain a log of key events, meetings, and documents as a historical record of each case. Amman Academy does reserve the right to communicate either verbally and/or in written form, any Child Safeguarding concern(s) to any and all subsequent school(s) that a Amman Academy student is attending or plans to attend the the future. This communication will be initiated by the counselor and/or Principal of which the student attended and communicated to the forwarding school directly from the CSC ( Child Safeguarding Coordinator).


Each person who reports a concern should expect to receive feedback from the CSC that the concern has been dealt with, although specific details as to the outcome will not necessarily be shared. If there is no feedback, and there is on-going cause for concern, then the reporter should either contact the CSC to make sure that action is being taken.


Confidentiality is an issue which needs to be discussed and fully understood by all those working with students, particularly in the context of child safeguarding. The only purpose of confidentiality in this respect is to benefit the student. A member of staff must never guarantee confidentiality to a student nor should they agree with a student to keep a secret, as where there is a child safeguarding concern. Any concern must be reported to the Child Safeguarding Coordinator and may require further investigation in line with school procedure. Other staff will be informed of relevant information in respect of individual cases regarding child safeguarding on a “need to know” basis only. Any information shared with a member of staff in this way must be held confidentially to themselves. In cases where a Report of Concern involves the disclosure of a Breach in the Code of Conduct observed by a colleague, reports must be made direct to the Head of School. Confidentiality as to the source of the report will be preserved as far as practicable. The Report of Concern will be filed in a confidential file in the HR Department.

Partnering with Parents

Parents are required to inform the school if they are going to be absent from the townsite and communicate to the school who will be the designated Temporary Guardian in their absence. The best learning and living environment for students comes when home and school work closely together. There is special importance in having direct and continuing contact between the school and parents. Consequently, the following regulations govern parents’/legal guardians’ residence in the Townsite:

Students enrolled at Amman Academy must have adequate supervision by parent(s) or an appointed temporary legal guardian who are residing within Townsite.  If during the academic school year, August to June (including all weekends and excluding holiday breaks in October, December and March) both parents/legal guardians plan to leave the townsite while the student remains in attendance at Amman Academy, they must appoint a Temporary Guardian and notify the school in writing as far in advance as possible. Parents/legal guardians are required to complete the online form each time they plan a trip away from townsite. This temporary guardian must be at least 18 years of age and NOT a current student at Amman Academy.

Because illness, accidents and unforeseen problems can occur at any time, the school requires that the duty appointed guardian live directly with the child to provide adequate care and supervision.

Please be assured that the school’s concern in this matter is not intended to interfere with the personal responsibilities of parents. Past experience has shown that, while a student is attending Amman Academy, the school must be able to contact parents or their temporary guardian directly at any time.

Amman Academy Definition of Temporary Guardian:

An individual who has permission to make critical legal, medical and social decisions for a child in the parent’s/legal guardian’s absence. Amman Academy will make every attempt to contact parents/legal guardians in case of an emergency situation. However, we reserve the right for the appointed temporary guardian to make these decisions when unable to make contact with parents/legal guardians.