
Amman Academy schoolwide library is a positive, productive, and purposeful space that strives to provide a collection of resources that are globally minded and accessible for all.  We foster a love of reading, research, exploration, and creativity; while promoting and developing independent learning skills. Our varied and flexible spaces enhance inquiry, collaboration, focused study, and community gatherings.


  • Students & parents (patrons) are allowed to check out up to 5 books.
  • Books are checked out for 2 weeks.
  • Patrons may bring their book back to the library to renew for another 2 weeks, if it is not on HOLD for another student.
  • Patrons may put books on HOLD,  if they are currently checked out and not available in the library. 
  • If a book is lost or damaged, the library requires a replacement book to be purchased.
  • The library will accept donations of NEW books only. 

Hours & Access

The library space is to be used in a purposeful & productive manner; this includes checking out books, reading, studying, and using other library resources. 

The library is open Monday – Thursday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Friday 7:30 am to 11:45 am.

Before School:  Y1-Y12 students are allowed to come check out books 

Break & Lunchtime: Y1-Y5 students are allowed to come with passes and enjoy our Lower Level space while Y6-Y12 can enjoy the Upper Level space. 

After School:   Primary students are allowed with parents between 4:00 – 4:30 pm;  Y6-12 are allowed after school to study and check out books. 
Wednesday Late Hours: We are open until 6:00pm for our school community. Students PYP and younger must come with an adult.
We welcome parents to come check out books for themselves or their children between 4:00 – 4:30 pm. 

Library Catalog - Destiny


Library Staff

Library Director:  

         Ms. Frances “Frankie” Foyle,  MLIS

Library Technicians:   
  • Pak Rusli “Bruce” Purwanto   
  • Ibu Lidya Meylani Dewi 
  • Ibu Nesly “Ines” Purba   
  • Miss “Fatin” Rona Karomah

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