
Welcome, we are so pleased that you may be joining Amman Academy. Whether you are already in Sumbawa, relocating from another place in Indonesia, or moving overseas, we look forward to meeting you in our beautiful campus. 

We will guide you through the enrolment process and transition process at Amman Academy and we are happy to answer all your questions along the way. 


As a fully inclusive school, it is important that you disclose in advance if your child has any learning support needs, such as an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or any accommodations or modifications have been made to their learning programme at any stage of their school life. Failure to disclose this information could lead to a delay in being able to offer your child a place at our school.

We aim to provide all our students with the best chance of success. To achieve this, we require this information beforehand so we can discuss it with you and collaborate with the experts in our Learning Support Team.

The Head of School and campus principals are responsible for implementing the Student Enrollment procedures.

  • Homeroom teachers are responsible for the interviewing process with prospective students and parents; and the school orientation process.
  • Counselors and Therapists team are responsible for any psychological testing needed for prospective students who may have special needs.
Enrollment Criteria

Class sizes are based on available facilities and classrooms. Each classroom varies in size and so numbers are variable. In general, classes will be limited to a maximum of 28 students per class with an extra 2 spaces reserved for possible intake of PT AMNT and Business Partners’ staff students throughout the academic year.

Children (aged 3-18 years), of employees, contractors, or business partners of AMMAN MINERAL; and who  reside in the Townsite Housing, may attend school. 

(Due to capacity limitations, there is currently a moratorium on enrolling students from outside the Townsite.)

Student Year Level Placement
Amman Academy Year Level of Entering School YearAge by June 30
Kindy A4
Kindy B 5
Year 16
Year 27
Year 38
Year 49
Year 5


Amman Academy Year Level of Entering School YearAge by June 30 
Year 611
Year 712
Year 813
Year 914
Year 1015
Year 1116
Year 1217
Procedure for Enrolment
  • The School’s administration is to coordinate with PTAMNT management as well as the companies of associated contractor employees who have children aged 3-15 years and have received housing allocations in Townsite.
  • Prospective students who are to be enrolled in Playgroup must be  3 years old or above commencing on 30th June, they must not use pampers, pass toilet training and show the appropriate level of developmental maturity.
  • As long as there is a place, a student who will turn three, on or before October,  may be considered for enrolment into the Playgroup class starting in the second semester (January)  and on the proviso that they will repeat the class the following year.
  • The Student Admission process will be conducted through interviews by the classroom teacher, principal or designee and the results of interviews and placement of students submitted to the Head of School. The Head of School has final decision on which class a student will enter.
  • Parents are to provide the school with all necessary documents, including copies of previous school’s reports.
  • From information supplied by parents, or through the initial interview, if any prospective students have special needs then the school will set an assessment / interview with the therapist / School Counselor and the results submitted to the Head of School as material which will inform any enrolment decision making.
  • The new student orientation process will be delivered by each class Homeroom teacher, with classroom observations and general information shared with the parents and students concerned..
  • When a student leaves the School, the parents must complete all necessary documents, including the student exit form.
Enroll Now

Click here to fill in enrollment form.

Amman Academy is an inclusive school. We warmly welcome all students and tailor our programs to accommodate the needs of each individual.