Middle Years Programme

About MYP
The goal of our Middle Years Programme (MYP) is to cultivate principled, courageous, creative thinkers who are equipped to prosper in an internationally-minded world
The MYP is a challenging framework that encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. MYP ranges from years 6 – 10. MYP prepares students for success in further study and in life.
The MYP aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can empathise with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning.
The programme empowers students to inquire into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally and globally. The result is young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers.
The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents. The eight subject groups are:
- Language Acquisition (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Language and Literature.
- Individuals and Societies
- Sciences
- Mathematics
- Arts. (Music and Visual Arts)
- Physical and Health Education
- Design
The MYP requires at least 50 hours of teaching time for each subject group, in each year of the programme. In the final two years of the programme, carefully-defined subject group flexibility allows students to meet local requirements and personal learning goals. Each year, students in the MYP also engage in at least one collaboratively planned interdisciplinary unit that involves at least two subject groups.
Please note that MYP is a framework, and the content of teaching can be derived from any curriculum applied in a country. Therefore, MYP can be easily aligned with the Indonesian National Curriculum.
Using global contexts, MYP students develop an understanding of their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet through developmentally appropriate explorations. The six MYP Global Contexts are described as follows:
- Identities and relationships
Who we are: an inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. - Orientation in space and time
Where we are in place and time: an inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. - Personal and cultural expression
How we express ourselves: an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. - Scientific and technical innovation
How the world works: an inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. - Globalization and sustainability
How we organize ourselves: an inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. - Fairness and development
Sharing the planet: an inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
- ATL are deliberate strategies, skills and attitudes that permeate the teaching and learning environment.
- ATL supports the IB belief that a large influence on a student’s education is not only what you learn but also how you learn.
- ATL are intrinsically linked with the IB learner profile attributes to enhance student learning and assist student preparation for life after high school.
Approaches to Learning (5 elements)
- Thinking skills
- critical thinking
- creativity and innovation
- transfer
- Communication skills
- Social skills
- Self-management skills
- organisation
- affective
- reflection
- Research skills
- information literacy
- media literacy

MYP Personal Project
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) personal project is a culminating and self-directed inquiry-based project undertaken by students in the final year of the MYP. It serves as a significant milestone in their educational journey, allowing them to demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they have developed throughout the programme. The personal project is designed to encourage students to explore their interests, passions, and curiosities while fostering independence, creativity, and critical thinking. It provides an opportunity for students to engage in a sustained inquiry process, where they identify a problem or challenge, conduct research, develop a plan of action, and ultimately create a product or outcome that reflects their learning and growth.
At the heart of the IB MYP personal project is the notion of personal significance and relevance. Students are encouraged to choose a topic or issue that resonates with them personally, whether it be a social, cultural, environmental, or personal concern. Through the process of inquiry, reflection, and action, students not only deepen their understanding of the chosen topic but also develop essential skills such as time management, communication, and collaboration. The personal project empowers students to take ownership of their learning, instilling in them a sense of responsibility and agency as they navigate the complexities of the modern world. Ultimately, the personal project is more than just an academic exercise; it is a transformative experience that prepares students to be lifelong learners and active global citizens.
The MYP personal project is a culminating example of inquiry because it reflects students’ abilities to initiate, manage and direct their own inquiries.
The inquiry process in MYP projects involves students in a wide range of activities to extend their knowledge and understanding and to develop their skills and attitudes. These student-planned learning activities include:
- deciding what they want to learn about, identifying what they already know, and discovering what they will need to know to complete the project
- creating proposals or criteria for their project, planning their time and materials, and recording developments of the project
- making decisions, developing understandings and solving problems, communicating with their supervisor and others, and creating a product
- evaluating the product and reflecting on their project and their learning
As students become involved in the self-initiated and self-directed learning process, they will find it easier to construct in-depth knowledge on their topic as well as to develop an understanding of themselves as learner
The personal project formally assesses students’ approaches to learning (ATL) skills for self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration.
The project is made up of a process, a product and a reflective report.
- process —ideas, criteria, developments, challenges, plans, research, possible solutions and progress reports
- product or outcome—evidence of tangible or intangible results: what the student was aiming to achieve or create
- report—an account of the project and its impact, to a structure that follows the assessment criteria. The report describes both the process of creating the project and an evaluation of the impact of the process on the student or their learning.
The objectives of the MYP personal project state the specific targets that are set for learning. They define what students should be able to accomplish as a result of completing the project.
Objective A: Planning
- state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal
- state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product
- present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.
Objective B: Applying skills
- explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their learning goal
- explain how the ATL skill(s) was/were applied to help achieve their product.
Objective C: Reflecting
- explain the impact of the project on themselves or their learning
- evaluate the product based on the success criteria.
Purpose of the Visual Arts Programme

We are excited to announce that our Middle and High school students will have the opportunity to participate in the “Week Without Walls” programme as part of their yearly experiences. This program is designed to provide students with a unique learning experience outside of the traditional classroom setting, allowing them to develop new skills, gain valuable life experience, and broaden their perspective on the world around them.
The “Week Without Walls” programme will take place over a one-week period, during 4th term. Students will travel to various locations to engage in a variety of activities and learning experiences. These experiences may include outdoor adventure activities, cultural immersion, service learning, and much more. Our goal is to provide our students with a diverse and well-rounded experience that will enhance their personal and academic growth.
We understand that this may be a new experience for some of our students and families, and we want to assure you that safety is our top priority. We will be working closely with our partner organizations to ensure that all activities are planned and executed in a safe and responsible manner. We will also provide students with guidance prior to their departure on safety matters pertaining to their trip.
We believe that the “Week Without Walls” programme will be an incredible opportunity for our students to expand their horizons and gain valuable experiences that will benefit them in their future academic and personal pursuits. We strongly encourage all eligible students to take part in this program.
Previous years locations, provide a good guide as to the types of trips available to students. Here is a sample:
Year 6 Mataram / Lombok
Year 7 Bali
Year 8 Malang, East Java
Year 9 Singapore / Malaysia
Year 10 Singapore
Year 11 Bali
Year 12 Not applicable – exam time
In the last few years, teams of our students have competed in the World Scholar’s Cup (WSC) locally, in Jakarta, and Singapore at the Regional Rounds, as well as to the USA for the Tournament of Champions at Yale.
- exceed a 18,000 point threshold at a Regional Round
- earn a wildcard at a Regional Round (through strong point performance); or.
- apply for an exceptional wildcard (granted only in narrow circumstances)
Team Debate
All teams have assigned rooms and arguments. In the room, teams will have 15 minutes to confer within the room before the debate begins. Teams may use World Scholar’s Cup materials or any outside resources to prepare in the 15 minute preparation time. However, devices and external sources are banned afterwards.
Each debater will stand in front of the room for the length of his/her speech. Speakers may use notes, but should not read their speeches in their entirety. Students may speak for up to four minutes, however there is no penalty for speaking up to four minutes. The judge will signal time left using knocks, with two knocks meaning the speaker must stop speaking. Between speakers, teams will have 60 seconds to prepare before the next speaker is called.
Before the end of the debate, the competing teams are required to give positive and constructive feedback to the opposing team for roughly 90 seconds, before the judge(s) announce a winning team. The winning team will then proceed to a designated room and the non-winning team to a different designated room, where each will face another team with the same number of wins and non-wins.
One cultural aspect of the debate is the ‘lollipop’. In order to promote positivity and self-improvement, the World Scholar’s Cup had replaced the term ‘losing’ with ‘lollipopping’ since 2015. This change was also reflected in the debate schedules that each team receives.
MYP Curriulum Newsletters
MYP Design: Building Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills
Dear Parents,
Welcome to a new term in MYP Design! This program is all about helping your child develop creativity and problem-solving skills—important tools they’ll use in school and beyond.
In MYP Design, students work on hands-on projects where they learn to think like designers and problem solvers. This semester, they’ll follow the design cycle, a step-by-step process that guides them researching the knowledge required for the challenge, coming up with their own ideas to create solutions and finally evaluating how well those solutions work.
One of the key parts of MYP Design is applying what they learn to real-world situations. Some of the challenges that Design students will encounter this semester include studying engineering properties to build a bridge from spaghetti, developing computer coding skills to create a computer game and understanding media skills to enable students to make a promotional video for the school.
These projects also help students build important skills like thinking critically, working with others, and communicating their ideas. These experiences not only prepare them for success in the MYP but also help them get ready for future challenges in school and their careers.
We encourage you to talk to your child about what they’re working on in MYP Design. Your interest and support makes a big difference in their learning experience. Thank you for being involved in their education, and we look forward to seeing the amazing projects your child will create this term!
Best regards,
Michael Delaney
MYP Design Teacher and MYP Coordinator.
MYP Design: Membangun Kreativitas dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah
Orang Tua yang Terhormat,
Selamat datang di semester baru dalam MYP Design! Program ini dirancang untuk membantu anak Anda mengembangkan kreativitas dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah—alat penting yang akan mereka gunakan di sekolah dan di luar sekolah.
Dalam MYP Design, siswa mengerjakan proyek praktis di mana mereka belajar berpikir seperti desainer dan pemecah masalah. Semester ini, mereka akan mengikuti siklus desain, sebuah proses langkah demi langkah yang membimbing mereka dalam meneliti pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk tantangan, merumuskan ide mereka sendiri untuk menciptakan solusi, dan akhirnya mengevaluasi seberapa baik solusi tersebut bekerja.
Salah satu bagian penting dari MYP Design adalah menerapkan apa yang mereka pelajari ke situasi dunia nyata. Beberapa tantangan yang akan dihadapi siswa Design semester ini termasuk mempelajari sifat-sifat teknik untuk membangun jembatan dari spaghetti, mengembangkan keterampilan pemrograman komputer untuk membuat permainan komputer, dan memahami keterampilan media untuk membuat video promosi untuk sekolah.
Proyek-proyek ini juga membantu siswa mengembangkan keterampilan penting seperti berpikir kritis, bekerja sama dengan orang lain, dan mengomunikasikan ide mereka. Pengalaman ini tidak hanya mempersiapkan mereka untuk sukses dalam MYP tetapi juga membantu mereka siap menghadapi tantangan di masa depan di sekolah dan karier mereka.
Kami mendorong Anda untuk berbicara dengan anak Anda tentang apa yang sedang mereka kerjakan dalam MYP Design. Minat dan dukungan Anda sangat berpengaruh pada pengalaman belajar mereka. Terima kasih atas keterlibatan Anda dalam pendidikan mereka, dan kami menantikan untuk melihat proyek-proyek luar biasa yang akan diciptakan anak Anda semester ini!
Salam hangat,
Michael Delaney
Guru MYP Design dan Koordinator MYP
Coming soon