As we embark on this educational journey together, we we delighted to emphasize the paramount importance of nurturing a close-knit relationship between home and school.
At Amman Academy, we firmly believe that collaboration between parents and educators forms the cornerstone of a child’s holistic development.
Our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment extends beyond the classroom walls. We recognize that parents are the primary influencers in their children’s lives, and your involvement in their educational voyage is invaluable.
Through open communication channels, regular updates, and collaborative initiatives, we aim to bridge the gap between home and school, ensuring seamless continuity in your child’s growth and learning experience.
Together, we share a common goal: to empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to thrive in an ever-evolving world. By working hand in hand, we can provide the guidance, encouragement, and support necessary to nurture each child’s unique talents and potential.
Thank you for entrusting us with the privilege of educating and inspiring your children. We look forward to building upon our strong foundation of collaboration, trust, and mutual respect as we continue this enriching partnership
There are many wonderful resources to support parents and children. Here we list our favourite.
The Child Mind Institute is an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders -
EPIC – wonderful library of online books, all free. -
Start-listen Audible stories to listen to, all free. -
Common Sense Media We all need help navigating the media choices available to our children today. These websites review movies, television shows, video games, and music to help us determine what is appropriate for our children. The website caters to parents, educators, and advocates. -
Curiosity is a wonderful site with fascinating information to explore from a range of topics including Mind & Body, Quizzes and Adventure. -
Great sites for teenagers -
Great site for primary students -
Great site for Early Childhood -
Comprehensive Parent’s Guide to aiding children and teens through mental health issues. -
Positive Parenting Tips -
Wonderful collection of videos for students. -
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Throughout the year we conduct a number of parent workshops to provide support and guidance to parents. The workshops are called PALs (Parents As Learners). PALs sessions are offered for parents of primary students and for parents of Middle School and High School. Parents will receive an email to these events.
Whether their kids are kindergarteners or high school seniors, parents have many good reasons to volunteer at school.
We would love to see more parents volunteering at Amman Academy and we value the benefits volunteering provides to students and parents.
What Are the Benefits of Getting Involved?
Getting involved is a great way to show your kids that you take an interest in their education. It also sends a positive message that you consider school a worthwhile cause.
Parent volunteers offer a huge resource and support base for the school community. They also show their kids the importance of participating in the larger community.
Working with teachers, administrators, and other parents will help you understand your child’s daily activities.
Even if you haven’t been involved in the past, it’s never too late to start.
How Do I Get Started?
If you have something to offer or just want to help out in whatever way you can, talk about it with teachers. Here are some of the ways a parent volunteer can help:
- act as a classroom helper
- mentor or tutor students
- act as a lunchroom or playground monitor
- organize or assist with a specific After School Activity (ASA) or interest group (if you have an interest in an activity that isn’t currently available to students, offer to help get a group started — for example, a chess club or cycling team)
- assist sports teachers and with sports and fitness programs
- work as a library assistant or offer to help with story time or reading assistance in the school library
- sew costumes or build sets for theatrical and musical productions
- work with the music teacher and band help out with visual arts, crafts, and design courses and projects
- hold a workshop for students in trade or technical programs
- volunteer to speak in the classroom, if you have a field of expertise that you’d like to share
Remember that not everyone is suited for the same type of involvement. You may have to “try on” a few activities before you find something that feels right. If you need ideas, ask your child’s teacher, who will likely be glad to help you think of something!
Questions to Ask
When you offer to help out, find out how much of a time commitment is expected and if it will be ongoing.
What Else Should I Know?
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when signing up to volunteer:
- Be clear about how much time you’re willing to volunteer. Don’t be afraid to say no if you’re asked to do more than you feel comfortable with — but try to say it early enough so that someone else can take your place. Many trips and activities can’t happen unless the school has enough chaperones or supervisors..
- Don’t give your child special treatment when you’re volunteering at the school. Follow your child’s cues to find out how much interaction works for both of you. Most kids enjoy having their parents involved, but if yours seems uncomfortable, consider taking a more behind-the-scenes approach. Make it clear that you aren’t there to spy — you’re only trying to help out the school.
- Get feedback from the teachers and students. Find out what’s most and least helpful to them, and ask what you can do to make the most of the time you spend on school activities. It’s important to communicate openly with teachers, administrators, students, and volunteers. Be flexible and responsive as the needs of the students and the school change.
Orang tua sebagai relawan di Amman Academy
Orang tua dari berbagai jenjang kelas dari TK sampai SMA selalu memandang manfaat dalam berpartisipasi dalam program sekolah.
Kami menyambut baik lebih banyak lagi keterlibatan orang tua agar memberikan manfaat bagi siswa.
Manfaat partisipasi orang tua
Partisipasi orang tua di sekolah merupakan salah satu cara menunjukkan kepedulian pada pentingnya pendidikan anak. Disamping memberikan dampak positif pentingnya peran sekolah.
Dukungan dan partisipasi orang tua memberikan manfaat bagi komunitas sekolah. Mereka juga menunjukkan pentingnya berpartisipasi dalam komunitas yang lebih luas.
Melakukan kegiatan, pimpinan dan dengan sesama orang tua membantu anda memahami kegiatan siswa setiap hari.
Kami menghimbau bagi anda yang belum bergabung secara aktif. Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk memulai.
Bagaimana saya memulai?
Pertama, jika ada hal atau kegiatan yang ingin anda lakukan, silahkan sampaikan kepada guru kelas. Berikut beberapa kegiatan yang orang tua dapat lakukan:
- Membantu kegiatan kelas
- Melakukan mentoring/tutor siswa
- Mengelola Lab Komputer
- Menjadi pengawas playground dan pada saat makan siang.
- Membimbing dan membantu kegiatan (ASA) dan pengembangan minat (Jika anda tertarik untuk membimbing sebuah kegiatan yang belum dilakukan, silahkan sampaikan kepada kami, misalkan klub catur, team sepeda)
- Melatih dan membantu program olahraga, gym dan kebugaran.
- Sebagai tenaga perpustakaan, membaca dengan siswa di perpustakaan sekolah.
- Menjahit kostum, dan merancang pengadaan kostum drama pertunjukkan.
- Membantu kegiatan musik sekolah dan orkestra dan mengajari siswa berlatih musik solo.
- Memimpin workshop untuk siswa dalam teknis penyelenggaraan sebuah program.
- Sebagai pembicara di kelas dan pada kegiatan Hari karir, jika anda memiliki keahlian khusus yang ingin diajarkan.
Partisipasi anda tidak selalu sejalan. Silahkan mencoba untuk terlibat dalam beberapa kegiatan sampai menemukan kegiatan yang sesuai. Jika anda membutuhkan ide silahkan menghubungi guru kelas masing-masing.
Jika anda ingin terlibat dalam kegiatan sekolah, silahkan menentukan komitmen dan rentang waktu keterlibatan.
Hal-hal yang harus saya ketahui?
Berikut beberapa tips jika anda hendak mendaftarkan diri menjadi relawan sekolah:
- Menentukan rentang waktu keterlibatan menjadi relawan. Sesuaikan dengan kenyamanan dan kondisi anda. Mohon agar konsen tersebut disampaikan di awal, agar kami dapat komunikasikan dengan orang tua yang lain. Kegiatan studi wisata tidak akan dilaksanakan tanpa keterlibatan banyak pengawas.
- Mohon agar memperlakukan semua siswa secara adil, dan tidak memperlakukan putra/putri anda secara khusus saat menjadi relawan di sekolah. Silahkan menyesuaikan dengan situasi putra/putri anda. Kebanyakan siswa senang orang tua mereka terlibat dalam kegiatan kelas, dan jika putra/putri anda tidak nyaman dengan hal tersebut, silahkan menerapkan pengawasan secara tidak langsung, agar tidak terkesan memata-matai. Partisipasi anda hanya membantu kegiatan sekolah.
- Minta pendapat dari guru dan siswa. Temukan hal-hal yang sangat bermanfaat dan kurang bagi mereka. Tanyakan juga hal yang harus anda tingkatkan. Sangat penting dalam membina keterbukaan dengan guru dan siswa. Bertindak fleksibel dan responsif menyesuaikan kebutuhan belajar siswa dan dinamika sekolah.
15 Ways To Help Your Child Succeed In Music Lessons.
Do one of of these descriptions sound like you?
You signed your child up for music lessons because they have begging you for years to play an instrument. Or, you play(ed) and instrument and couldn’t wait to get your own child started too.
Maybe, you always wished you could have taken lessons as a child and are excited to provide the opportunity to your children.
then reality sets in . . .
After the honeymoon phase is over, you realize that this is hard .
Making time to do anything everyday with our kids can be a challenge. When my kids were young, brushing teeth and combing hair could sometimes become an epic battle (who knew these things were such torture!?)
Developing the discipline to play an instrument? That is a whole other level.
We are choosing to do something hard everyday – in order to achieve an end goal that children can’t really grasp. It certainly seems less important to their well being than teeth brushing and that makes it easier to quit when the going gets tough.
When everything is going well studying music is invigorating, exciting and a fun process to be involved in.
When things get tough what can we do as parents to help our children be successful in music lessons?
Here Are 15 Ways You Can Help Your Child Succeed:
- Make a long term commitment. Studies show this is more important than any other factor in music students long term success.
- Believe they CAN do it. Suzuki teacher Alice Joy Lewis says that families she sees be successful are the ones that believe their child absolutely CAN learn to play well.
- Find the best teacher you can. A good teacher will help coach you through the rough patches and has the tools to help you turn things around when it’s feeling hard.
- Buy or rent the best instrument you can afford. Playing on a bad instrument is like trying to run in bad shoes. If it’s really hard to make a beautiful sound, playing the instrument is not that motivating!
- Find out what motivates your child and do that thing. When your child gains more skills on the instrument the music they learn will be their motivation. At first they need help to want to practice. Figure out what motivates them and do that thing a lot
- Be Encouraging. Don’t point out the 10 things your child is doing wrong. They likely know they are not Joshua Bell yet, encourage them with something they are doing well. Even if that thing is simply how hard they are working or concentrating. Children do more of what we praise – use that to your advantage.
- Help Build ownership. If practice = an adult tells me what to do, children tend to dislike it. Coach them through practice while also letting them feel like they are making some decisions. Ask questions. Give them two acceptable choices of what to practice next. Let practice become something that is for them.
- Find time in each day’s schedule for your child to practice. Children are not good at time management. They will need your help to find time to practice.
- Don’t give up! Sometimes it’s really hard. Sometimes our kids fight us on practice. Don’t give up. This is really normal. Your child can do it (see #2)
- Go to live concerts. Seeing performers play music live is so motivating! Many communities have free or inexpensive events to attend if you seek them out. Ask your teacher for recommendations.
- Connect your child to a social outlet for their music. Working on something hard, alone in a practice room is not the point of music. Play with and for other students. Join an orchestra when your child is ready. Attend a group class or simply invite a friend over who plays an instrument for a musical play date.
- Be your child’s biggest fan. We cheer when toddlers learn to walk (even though they hobble around and fall all the time). Cheer on any and all progress. Make sure your child knows you are their biggest fan no matter what.
- Make listening to music part of your family culture. When children are surrounded by music in their lives they are much more successful. Just like when we are learning a language immersion is the best way to pick it up quickly.
- Connect to other parents. Whether it’s in online groups, other parents in your studio or a friend whose child also studies music – connecting with other parents on the same journey can make us feel less alone and we can learn from each other what works best.
- Do something every day. Literally everyday. Play something, listen to music. What we do daily becomes part of who we are. What we do once in a while can be hard to follow through on. A daily habit is makes a huge difference.