Primary Years Programme
For further information about the PYP program contact our coordinator, Pak Arief

At Amman Academy, we believe that learning is a collaborative effort between the students, their families, and the school. We recognize that learning is a lifelong process, and we provide a happy, supportive, and encouraging environment that is ideal for your child’s growth and development. We are excited to partner with you and your child on this journey.
If you are new to our school, we extend a warm welcome to you! We are honoured to have you as a part of our community and trust that our dedicated teaching faculty and staff will provide your children with the best education and care possible.
We look forward to many years of learning and growing together! We firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child, and we are excited to welcome you to our “village.”

The Primary Years Programme PYP is designed for children from Early Years 2 to Year 5. It aims to develop the whole child in both the classroom and the world outside.
The PYP curriculum framework is transdisciplinary and seeks to approach learning in consideration of the whole child through constructive inquiry. This approach focuses on developing students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being.
The curriculum emphasizes the importance of international-mindedness, encouraging students to make personal connections with their own values while considering different perspectives.
We foster student agency through a Play-Based inquiry approach to learning in the Early Years (EY1, EY2, and Kindergarten) as well as promoting student agency through years 1-5 to help students develop personal connections to the purpose of their learning, leading to the Grade 5 Exhibition.
The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) for children aged 3 – 12 nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.
The PYP curriculum is relevant, challenging, significant, and engaging for all learners. Through its inquiry-led, transdisciplinary framework, the PYP challenges students to think for themselves, ask questions and seek answers about the world around them and take responsibility for their learning as they explore local and global issues and opportunities in real-life contexts.
The program nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in their lifelong journey of learning.

Children love to learn, and here at Amman Academy, we believe that learning is a partnership with each student, family and school. We know that learning is continuous through life, and we learn best in a happy, supportive and encouraging environment. Our school’s family friendly environment is ideal for your child’s growth and development. We are looking forward to a very happy association with you and your child. If you are brand new to the school, then welcome! It is our great pleasure to have you join us, and entrust the care of your children to our very capable staff. We look forward to many years of growing and learning together! We believe in the old saying that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. Welcome to our ‘village’.
Inquiry Learning is:
- Exploring, wondering and questioning
- Experimenting and playing with possibilities
- Making connections between previous learning and current learning
- Making predictions and acting purposefully to see what happens
- Collecting data and reporting findings
- Clarifying existing ideas and reappraising perceptions of events
- Deepening understanding through application of a concept
- Making and testing theories
- Taking and defending a position
- Solving problems in a variety of ways
The PYP encourages a collaborative approach to teaching and learning, allowing educators to design learning experiences, lessons and programmes to meet children’s individual academic, social, physical, emotional and cultural needs. These learning experiences transcend the classroom and engage students within communities in a local, national and global context. The PYP emphasizes a student-centered approach to learning, thus making it responsive to the needs of all students regardless of ability, nationality or educational background.One of the most significant and distinctive features of the IB Primary Years Programme is the way it is structured around six transdisciplinary themes. These themes are about issues that have meaning for, and are important to, all of us. The programme offers a balance between learning about or through the subject areas, and learning beyond them.
The six themes of global significance create a transdisciplinary framework that allows students to “step up” beyond the confines of learning within subject areas.
They are:
- Who we are
- Where we are in place and time
- How we express ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organize ourselves
- Sharing the planet
The curriculum is arranged and taught through large, cross-curricular units of study known as Units of Inquiry (UOI). These grade specific units of inquiry are arranged under the six transdisciplinary themes to develop a programme of inquiry for the school year. Each year level has one unit of inquiry for each transdisciplinary theme each year. The units allow for in-depth investigations into important ideas, identified by the teachers, and require a high level of involvement on the part of the students. These substantial inquiries usually last for six weeks. All of the units of inquiry which the students learn about are collectively known as the Programme of Inquiry.
All curriculum areas are integrated where appropriate, however single subject teaching also occurs separately. The class teacher takes responsibility for teaching most of the subjects, however the children attend specialist lessons for Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, Civics and Religion
Assessment is an important part of each unit of inquiry as it both enhances learning and provides opportunities for students to reflect on what they know, understand and can do. The teacher’s feedback to the students provides the guidance, the tools and the incentive for them to become more competent, more skillful and better at understanding how to learn.
Through the PYP, SBB offers a world class balanced curriculum programme that not only focuses on students acquiring significant knowledge, but also develops the essential skills, conceptual understanding, and positive attitudes needed to succeed in the world today while at the same time encouraging students to take meaningful action.
This self-directed research project is the culmination of our Primary School students’ learning journey. All students can achieve success with the support of IB approaches to learning.
The purpose of the PYP Exhibition is to provide Grade 5 students with an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to engage in inquiry-based learning, to take action as a result of their learning, and to reflect on their own growth and development as learners.
F.A.Q - Frequently Asked Questions
Our school’s Math and English curriculums are designed to follow the USA Common Core learning standards in order to ensure alignment throughout K-12. Additionally, the Math curriculum aligns with the standards set by Indonesia. To support learning, our school library offers a variety of online resources, including Brainpop and EPIC books.
- Library Borrowing
We have a well resourced library, and students are allowed to borrow and take home books for their own pleasure. Books should be cared for and taken home in a library bag to protect the books from accidental damage. Loss or damaged books may result in a fine to replace the cost of the book. Your child’s teacher will let you know which day is their library day. - Sports Day
Each class has PSPE Lessons. Students are to wear their sports uniform on these days. Your child’s teacher will let you know which day is their sports day. - Religion Classes
All students are to attend Religion Classes. Currently we provide Catholic, Christian, Hindu and Islam classes. - Assemblies
Assemblies are held every second Wednesday at 8:00am. These are led by each class, and the students will share about what they have been learning in class. All parents are encouraged to attend.
After School Activities at SBB are activities designed and supervised by teachers and parent volunteers for students after school hours. Many types of academic, physical and arts programs will be available. Sample activities include, Soccer Club, Badminton Club, Tennis Club, Basketball, Cooking Class, Art Craft, Science Club, Fun English Club, Media Club, Arabic for Kids and Air Guitar Performances., Chess, Cooking, These activities are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 15:15 to 16:315
Often parents wonder whether their child is making good progress. In just the same way that we all are different, we all learn in different ways and at different rates. To cope with this range of abilities in every class, teachers will use a strategy called ‘differentiation’ to meet the needs of each student more carefully. This may be by dividing students into smaller groups within the class, or teaching the same topic in different ways. Of course, sometimes students need extra support to help with their learning,. Sometimes they may need reading glasses, or help with hearing. Sometimes they just have trouble understanding. To help with these and other needs, the school also has a Student Support Team of a dedicated psychologist and therapist. They may be asked by the teacher to observe and make special plans for some children, to meet and discuss learning needs or even meet with parents. Remember the job of our Student Support Team is just that—to support our students with learning. If you have a concern and would like to have your child referred to a SST member, please contact the school or your home room teacher.
Effective communication between parents and teachers is essential to maximise the learning potential of students. There are a number of structures in place to facilitate regular communication between home and school.
At SBB we encourage parents to contact school whenever there are concerns.
Three-Way Conferences
This activity is aimed at giving an opportunity for students to share their learning journey independently to their parents. Each student takes responsibility in leading the conference by sharing the process of their learning to their parents.
- SBB Monthly
is our ’in-house’ newsletter and is emailed to all staff as well as parents to highlight, update and share information of what has happened within a month at school. - Report Cards
This is a written report of student’s achievement in a semester and distributed twice in every end of term 2 (semester 1) and end of term 4 (semester 2). - Digital Portfolios
The school uses an app called ‘SeeSaw’ to record and share actual students work with the family. This is a great tool to share with grandparents and other family members
Schooling is a shared endeavor, and so to be successful, good communication is vital. There are a number of ways we foster good communication between the home and the school. The first and most successful way is to keep in touch with your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher is always happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns or issues that you may have. However they are also busy with other parents’ children to teach too. Before and after school are often busy times so please make an appointment beforehand.
There will be New Parents Morning Tea early into the school year, as well a Parent Teacher Information session. The school also has PALS (Parents As Learners) to help parents understand what our school is teaching, child development and other interesting topics twice a year.
Video and social media is increasingly becoming a central part of our everyday landscape of communication, and it is becoming more visible as people share it on digital platforms. People make and share videos to tell stories about their personal lives, remixing home videos with popular music and images. Sekolah Buin Batu reflects this increasing use of digital technologies in society and it is an integral component of our learning and teaching programs.
Sekolah Buin Batu models respect for copyright laws and the fair use of copyrighted materials owned by others, including user generated content. As a part of our Plagiarism Policy, teachers train students to acknowledge their sources – it’s also good practice for teachers and staff members to do the same. Staff, including teachers should not use any form of social media to contact or inform parents about official school business or events. All official communication to parents must be through official school email, letters or SIMS and must be approved by the designated line manager beforehand. Whats App maybe used for informal school communication.
It is best practice to be mindful of the following: Students should keep their photos private. Once they are published online, anyone who has access to them can reuse them. Nothing lends credibility to an imposter profile more than a photo. Staff must not ‘friend’ students on Facebook or other forms of social media.
Parents are also encouraged to come and help in their child’s classroom. Please talk to your teacher about how you may be able to assist—it may be with reading or art lessons or even covering books at home. Parents being involved is rewarding for all concerned.
Sometimes during the day, students have an accident or become ill. If this happens to your child, be reassured that they will be well looked after.
The school has a number of well-trained First Aiders who can deal with minor injuries, cuts and scrapes.
We also have a complete first aid kit and a first aid room.
If something more serious happens, we will contact the Medical Clinic on Townsite and arrange for transportation of your child to the clinic. We follow up all accidents and keep a record of treatment in our front office.
Our front office and our home room teachers will always make every effort to contact you if your child is ill, has an accident or needs to go either home or to the clinic. If your child has an allergy (including asthma) please let us know so we can be prepared. If students are on medication (including vitamins) it is the responsibility of the parent to administer the medication. Medicine/vitamins should not to be administered by students alone at school.
Lunches are not provided here at SBB. Eating healthy food and having regular exercise helps us to have healthy bodies and also assists with learning. Here at Sekolah Buin Batu we have a ‘Healthy Eating Policy’. This means we allow students to only bring fruit and healthy snacks to eat at both Recess and Lunch times.
Cakes, sugary drinks, candy or lollies, etc are not allowed. Please support the school with this initiative by not packing any ‘junk food’ into your child’s lunch boxes.
Our School Uniform is the same across the school. Students wear Batik most days, whilst on sports day they are to wear their sports day uniform.
We have the rule ‘No hat —No play’ to help protect our students from the sun.
All students are to wear the appropriate footwear covered black shoes suitable for walking and playing. No flip flops are allowed. The school uniform (except shoes) is available from our campus secretary. For the Batik uniform, fabric is available for purchase, and our Campus Receptionist can advise you of a number of tailors that can make this size.
Black long pants/shorts to the knee (for boys)
Black long skirts/shorts to the knee (for girls)
PSPE Uniforms must be worn during PSPE lessons. Wear hats when playing or doing activities outside. Wear covered shoes with white or black short (ankle) socks which must be visible. Only watches and studs are allowed to be visible. Long hair needs to be tied away from faces.
Our school secretaries are situated at the entrance to the school. They can assist you with many of your general questions relating to:
- School uniforms
- First aid arrangements
- School lunches
- Books and stationery
- School Bus
- After School Activities (ASA)
If parents wish to provide a birthday cake that can be shared with the whole class, this is acceptable. However, please be mindful that some children may have allergies to certain foods. Therefore, we kindly ask you to check with your child’s teacher if there is anyone in the class who needs to be specially accommodated.
Early Years 1 (EY1) | Dharazatun Zazila (Dhara) |
Amalia Sakinah (Amel) | |
Early Years 2 (EY2) | Maria Suswanti Rahayu (Rea) |
Harto Junarko | |
Kindergarten | Rosa Tanlain |
Sarah Gasiano-Gabriel | |
Year 1A | Matthieu Wicki |
Devia Nur | |
Year 1 B | Lale Dwi Setiyawiyatni (Dwi) |
Nicola Farrar | |
Year 2 | Lachlan Ross |
Arinfadira Ramadhanti (Dhanti) | |
Year 3 A | Evy Hikma |
Michael (Mike) Lewis | |
Year 3 B | John Jacobs |
Yuni Ariesca | |
Year 4 A | Intan Faradita |
Merin Young | |
Year 4 B | Cristin Wentzell |
Farial | |
Year 5 | Fardiana Utami (Fera) |
Dan Devere | |
ART TEACHER | Peggy Pesik |
P.E | James Bristow |
RELIGION | Pak Ikwan, Pak Andy, Ms. Metha |
MUSIC | Pak Alfons |
For further information about the PYP program contact our coordinator, Pak Arief
membership offer
Schedule and tuition
Half Days
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 12:00
- $1,800/mo
Full Days
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 3:30
- $2,300/mo
Extended Day
Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat.
- 8:30 - 5:30
- $2,600/mo
We welcome kids into our 2-4’s program based on their birth year.