Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Merdeka Programme
The Merdeka Curriculum is characterized by its focus on essential materials and its encouragement of improved learning quality. This aspect allows teachers the space to organize differentiated learning.
Differentiated learning also offers room for teachers to use a variety of learning resources and not just rely on textbooks.
The teacher can also choose certain chapters from a textbook or use a textbook from a higher or lower level according to the students’ learning needs.
Teachers are also expected to use or modify various other learning resources apart from textbooks, including those already provided on the Merdeka Mengajar platform.
Apart from focusing on essential material, the Merdeka Curriculum also provides special time for character development in accordance with the Pancasila values.
As we transition to the the Merdeka curriculum, students will be offered the following subjects.
YEAR-10 Phase-E
- Religious Education and Ethics
- Pancasila & Citizenship Education
- Indonesian Language
- Mathematics
- Indonesian National History
- Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
- Social Sciences (Sociology, Economics, History, Geography)
- English
- Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK)
- Informatics (for Y-10).
- Painting and Music
- Workshop / Design
YEAR – 11, 12 Phase-F
- Religious Education and Ethics
- Pancasila & Citizenship Education
- Indonesian Language
- Mathematics
- Indonesian National History
- English
- Physical Education, Sports and Health (PJOK)
- Painting and/or Music
- Workshop / Design
ELECTIVE SUBJECTS: (For Y-11 and Y-12 Phase-F / Students choose 5 subjects)
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Sociology
- Geography
- Anthropology
- Economics
In addition to the Academic Curriculum Structure mentioned above, SMA Buin Batu also operates the P-5 (Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project), which will be integrated with the curriculum in the future. Personal Project for MYP-5 with IB curriculum.
Since the 2022-2023 school year, SBB has implemented the Merdeka Curriculum in the High School. The following is a brief description of the Merdeka Curriculum Assessment.
- Summative assessment
Assessment in the form of qualitative data carried out periodically after completing one or more learning objectives, the results of summative assessment are used for reporting learning outcomes (report card). The results of the summative assessment of students have 4 qualities, namely: 1) needs guidance, 2) sufficient, 3) good, and 4) very good.
Educators can also assign a quantitative number to each quality. For example, the criteria for needing guidance is between 0-69, the sufficient category is between 69-79, the good criteria is between 80-89, and very good is between 90-100.
- Formative assessment
This assessment activity determines the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved by students. This assessment is carried out at the beginning of learning and during learning. The results of the formative assessment are used for consideration of the description of Competency Outcomes in the report card.
How to Assess the Merdeka Curriculum
To assess student learning outcomes in the merdeka curriculum, there are several steps that need to be taken. Here’s how to assess the merdeka curriculum.
Assessment instruments:
rubrics, checklists, anecdotal notes, and progress charts.
Assessment instruments based on assessment techniques:
observation, performance, project, portfolio, written test, oral test, and assignment.
Learning outcome reports are obtained from quantitative data (summative assessment) and qualitative data (formative assessment).
The report card score is obtained from the final summative score of the material scope, and the final summative score of the semester.
Weighting in the calculation of report card grades is determined by the School / Education Unit.
Grades are compared with learning achievement objectives, given an asterisk if the score has not met the completeness of the learning objectives (other terms KKM).

Pancasila Student Profile - P5
The application of P5 is preparing the character and competence of students in dealing with all situations they face now and later at the next level of life.
In general, the implementation of the P5 project is in the form of intra-curricular activities combined with extra-curricular and co-curricular activities which provide opportunities for students to train and develop the values of responsibility, cooperation, problem solving and creativity, and leadership.

For information on our SMA programme contact Pak Ardy