Status: New Version starting July 2024
Last revision: November 2024
Next Review: November 2026
Purpose of the policy
“Inclusion is an ongoing process that aims to increase access and engagement in learning for all students by identifying and removing barriers.” (Learning diversity and inclusion in IB programmes, 2016)
Access refers to providing equitable educational opportunities in learning, teaching, evaluation/assessment and all other aspects of school life to all students by making space and provision for the characteristics that each person brings.(Access and Inclusion Policy, 2023)
A well developed access and inclusion policy creates clear guidelines that enable and increase students access to the curriculum by removing barriers and developing an inclusive learning community. Inclusion and diversity is supported by the learners profiles.
At Amman Academy we;
- Aim to increase access and engagement for learning for all students
- Belevie that all students have equele rights to access to a stimulating education that meets their academic and personal challenges while also providing opportunities for students to utilize their strengths and abilities in domains such as sports, arts and social activities to provide a holistic education
- Follow the IB learner profiles in developing learner attributes in all our students
This policy applies to all students, teachers, board, volunteers and parents of Amman Academy. It aligns with the guidelines of the International Baccalaureate Organization.
At Amman Academy we accept all students taking into consideration we can support them within the limitations we have. This policy focuses specifically on those students who
have a learning difficulty whereby a special educational provision needs to be made for them.
Students have a learning difficulty if;
– Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age; or
– Have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities as provided for children of the same age.
– Specifically, a student’s learning may be affected by one or more of the following:
- Specific learning difficulties (eg dyslexia, dyscalculia)
- General learning difficulties (eg comprehension, attention, memory)
- Communication difficulties (eg aphasia, dysphasia, articulation)
- Physical difficulties (eg motor disorders)
- Social or emotional difficulties (including mental health issues, eating disorders etc)
- Behavioral difficulties (ADD, ADHD, school phobia, substance abuse, disruptive and uncooperative)
- Underachievement
- Persistent illness or medical problems (heart disease, epilepsy, allergies etc)
- Changes of school, leading to gaps in education
– Students are not regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because their form of language is different to English. This situation would be designated as a ‘general learning difficulty’ and appropriate support given. (Garodia, 2024)
Evidence for ‘difficulties’ may come from:
- Discussions with colleagues
- Professional judgment evidenced from class interactions
- Diagnostic evidence from outside agencies/ specialists
- Parental concerns
- Assessment tools such as formative and summative assessments
- All applicants are required to declare all potential inclusion and learning difficulties on their application form.
- Students are screened at their start at Amman Academy to identify their minimum level of learning.
- Acceptance falls within our current policy as stated in our Admissions Policy
- Applicants with social/emotional issues, learning difficulties or other learning needs must detail all such situations on their application forms in detail for further discussion at interview with head of school. Any associated reports, along with details of extra support the applicant is receiving, must also be provided at the time of application. The school reserves the right to refuse applications where the student appears to have needs that cannot be met by the current programme.
- If we decide that we are unable to accommodate a student’s learning needs, the student will not be able to continue at Amman Academy.
- The school is continually upgrading its human and physical resources to continue to be an ‘open access’ institution and to be a genuinely inclusive school. However, we believe that it would be unethical to admit students with any learning difficulties where we genuinely and currently cannot meet their needs with confidence.
Intervention Strategies
- Ensure early identification of children with said ‘difficulties’
- Use all resources equitably and impartially to enable students to grow as learners in a safe, healthy and supportive environment.
- Ensure evidenced evaluation of the situation
- Involve all key teachers, counselors and leaders alongside parents. Outside specialist input may be sought as appropriate.
- Provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to individual needs and where necessary create a clear Action Plan/ Individual(ized) Educational Plan (IEP) to identify subsequent actions/ support that are effectively communicated to all school staff, counselors and parents for implementation.
- Will contain designated dates/ times for review with subsequent adjustments/ continuation or ending of support.
- Include referrals with external agencies and experts. (Garodia, 2024)
Individual Educational Plan (IEP)
The School Counsellor and curriculum coordinator will formulate the IEP in consultation with the parents and students if age appropriate. In Primary a SEN Case Manager and SEN Team Leader work collaboratively with classroom teachers, curriculum coordinator and parents to develop an appropriate IEP for each student. The school principal or head of school may be consulted when required by the SEN team. This specifically provides strategies and actions to support academic development with regular feedback and review progress. It is to be seen as a working document. Students should be fully involved in the setting of targets and reviews. The IEP will only record that which is additional, or different, from the differentiated curriculum. The following skills should be addressed in the IEP as per individual needs; Academic skills, Cognitive skills, Social skills, Emotional skills, Communication skills, Learning skills, Behaviour and value modification. All IEPs will be created on a personal needs of the student.
Additional Classroom Support
All students are accepted into mainstream classes. Any extra attention to complete tasks will be set by the teachers. Trained specialists (external and internal) may support the teacher with learning advice and materials. An additional adult to support specific student classroom learning may be permitted at the discretion of all parties completing an IEP. Tutoring after school will be offered if required and available.
Additional Support for exam students
There are various ways Amman Academy can support MYP and DP students specifically who might have additional needs to be successful in the MYP and DP. Students can receive accommodation by following the IB Inclusion Policy. Once a student has formally received notice from IB on their assigned accommodation, these apply for both internal as well as the external IB exams.
Examples of these accommodations can be:
- Additional time during exams (IB permission needed)
- Extra opportunities to retake exams
- Extensions of deadlines
- Seating arrangements
- Exams in a separate room (but still on campus)
- A word processor
- A reader
- A scribe
Student comodations apply during summative IB assessments and throughout the course of MYP and DP study at school. These accommodations can only be made after IB permission is received.
All students that request additional accommodations need to provide formal testing data no older than 2 years from professional specialists. To submit requests for inclusive access arrangements (comodation) supporting documentation is required. Follow up with your IB coordinator for more information. Amman Academy can recommend outside experts for testing but it is the parents responsibility to arrange and pay for these tests. (Access and Inclusion policy February 2022)
Roles and Responsibilities
School Counseling Team
Works with students, staff and parents in the process. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to;
- Identifies and assesses students based on feedback from all sources at an early stage
- Develop, deliver and review a comprehensive School Counseling Programme to include provision for identified students with Access and Inclusion rights.
- Ensures effective consultation and collaboration with staff and parents to understand the special needs of any student providing information as appropriate
- Provides classroom guidance, individual and group counseling as needed
- Assists families to understand how specific disabilities can hinder academic/ socia progress and agree upon shared actions
- Assists teachers with the latest information about identification of students with learning difficulties
- Act as an advocate for such students
- Liaise with and advise colleagues about external agencies and their recommendations to interpret assessment findings and integrate them into school actions
- Oversees the records of all students with learning difficulties
- Advises about resources and staff to enable appropriate learning provision (Garodia, 2023)
Responsibilities of parents
- Parents must inform the school that their child requires additional support when they complete the enrolment form to include medical and testing documentation of their child’s additional needs. This information may be required by the school to enable the assessment and planning of the additional resources needed to best support the child.
- When requested by the school, parents must provide up to date and relevant medical information that can include psychological testing, IQ testing, diagnosis of particular needs, and current health status of the child.
- Parents must provide consistent and ongoing communication with the school to inform of any changes in behavior, diagnosis, dietary needs, medication conditions or treatment which may affect the child academic and social progress.
Responsibilities of teachers
- To help and alert leaders in the identification of students who may have learning
- difficulties
- To support students in actions and methods as suggested by IEP’s communicated by Counsellor
Confidentiality is the act of protecting all personally identifiable data and information in print or electronic form. These documents have restricted access to those of working concern only. Confidentiality is important to observe the rights of students.
- All formal or informal discussion between parties should be only with valid reasons
- Sharing of the information about the student with external bodies should only take place after consent from the concerned person or parents in written form (email sufficient)
- Such records should be stored separately with restricted access.
International Baccalaureate. Access and Inclusion policy February 2022, taken from accessed on 2 August 2023
International Baccalaureate (2019) Learning Diversity and Inclusion in IB programmes TAken From; accessed on 9 Nov, 2023.
Garodia International Centre for Learning, Mumbai (2023) Reporting Policy
IBO ‘MYP from Principles into practises’ (Oct. 2023) accessed on: 9 Nov. 2023
IBO ‘DP from Principles into practises’ (2015) accessed on: 9 Nov. 2023
IBO ‘Assement Principles and Practises – Quality Assesment in a digital Age’ (Nov. 2023) accessed: 9 Nov. 2023