Digital Citizenship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Amman Academy has a responsibility to teach our students to be effective digital citizens where they can use online resources with responsibility and respect. We need to ensure students are safe when they are using online resources.



Amman Academy recognizes the value of the Internet as a powerful tool for research and communication, and would like to make this resource available for students. In order to prevent misuse of this facility, the school sets down the following guidelines for its use that supports the PT. Aman Mineral Nusa Tenggara policy on the appropriate use of computers and the Internet.

Penalties and disciplinary action will be applicable to students who violate the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy. Please read this document with your child, sign it, and return it to school.


Access to the Internet is a privilege and not a right. This privilege will be withdrawn if a student fails to show responsible behavior while using the Internet.

  • Students are encouraged to use the Internet for research in ways that promote the educational goals of the school as outlined in the Mission Statement.
  • Every student will have access to the Internet.
  • Students may copy research material (Text, Image, etc, but not downloadable executable files – files which contain computer programs) from the Internet for school use.
  • Students may access web-based personal e-mail accounts with permission from the supervising teacher for educational purposes.
  • Students enrolled in computer lessons will be given password-protected folders on the Student Server.
  • Junior high students may bring their own laptop to school and use it during lessons which require him/her to use it.

Students will show responsible use computer equipment and resources.

  • Students will not visit sites containing objectionable material (Sexually explicit sites, hate sites, or those exhibiting violence or lewd language, etc.) or with any content that might be deemed damaging or unsuitable.
  • Students will not engage in cyberbullying.
  • Students will not hack into areas where access has been restricted – for example, others’ private folders, sites or information that is protected or confidential, or sites that have been banned.
  • Students will not use the Internet for chatting (unless granted special permission for educational purpose) or for any other purpose that is deemed a waste of this resource.
  • Students will not download any files from the Internet unless granted permission by the teacher or lab administrator to do so.
  • Students will respect international copyright laws when copying material from the Internet.
  • Students will not log into anyone else’s account. Students who allow their account to be misused by another student are liable to the same punishment as the offending student.
  • Students will not use school computers for gaming or for other non–educational purposes.
  • Students will use their Student Server folder only for storing relevant documents.
  • Students will use computer in area during teaching and learning time which is under teacher supervision.

Students who fail to abide by the Privileges and Responsibilities as outlined above will be subjected to appropriate disciplinary measures.

  • Instances of misuse will be reported to the appropriate school authorities and will lead to the loss of Internet or computer privileges for a period to be determined.
  • In addition, any loss of or damage to computer equipment or data caused by irresponsible behavior will result in a fine equivalent to the replacement cost and appropriate disciplinary action.
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