Admission Policy

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Status: New Version starting July 2024

Last revision: November 2024

Next Review: November 2026


Amman Academy serves the children of employees, contractors or business partners of PT AMNT having residential facilities in the Townsite to the age of 3-17 years (“Staff Students”), or (b) children living off-site where either they or one of their parents are holders of an international passport (“Off-Site Students”).

We welcome all students from any nationality and religion

Amman Academy is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. The school does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admissions or employment policies.

We believe that all students can prosper at Amman Academy. Therefore, during our application process we take time to assess the strengths of each applicant, talk to parents and students and give independent advice.


  • Early Years
  • Play based curriculum
  • Primary Years Year 1 – 5
  • Primary Years Programme (PYP)
  • Middle School Year 6 – 10
  • Middle Years Programme (MYP)
  • High School Year 11 & 12
  • Diploma Programme (DP) or
  • SMA

All our programmes address the Indonesian National Standard requirements

Specific Year level Criteria

  • Early Years
    No additional testing
  • PYP
    Students in the PYP will sit an ‘entry’ test to get a good indication of their English and math levels at the time of entry.
  • MYP
    Students in the PYP will sit an ‘entry’ test to get a good indication off their English and math levels at the time of entry.
  • DP
    The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous academic program taught in English that has specific academic and language requirements students must meet in order to enroll. For those students who are not yet proficient in English but are proficient in Bahasa Indonesia, our national SMA pathway is an option.

Students coming from the Middle Years Programme (MYP) must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Achieve a minimum of 24 points in their year 10 report card across 6 subject areas in order to continue in the DP.
  • Achieve a final grade of 3 or above in any subject area they wish to pursue at the DP Standard Level.
  • Achieve a final grade of 5 or above in any subject they wish to pursue at the DP Higher Level.
  • Achieve a final grade of 4 or above in the year 10 Personal Project.
  • Successfully meet the Service as Action Learning Outcomes by the end of year 10.
  • Ensure that the DP course selection form is signed by the relevant DP teachers, student and parent(s).

For students from outside of the MYP, an intake will be held and past report cards as well as the entrance exam for English and math will be used as ‘evidence’ to indicate success at the DP. Students can only start in the DP during the year if they come from a similar DP programme, otherwise students will be advised to start in year 10 and start DP1 the following academic year.


Indonesian students are eligible to start the SMA in year 10.

Year placements

Our students join us from all over the world and come from a wide variety of curriculums and school systems. Our admission policy is based on our experience to place applicants into the ‘best’ year level for the appropriate challenge for them. In most cases, placement is determined by age. We may make rare exceptions to this age-based protocol to ensure there is continuity of a student’s education. The final decision lies with the School.

Procedure of enrolment

  • Class sizes are based on available facilities and classrooms. Classes will be limited to a maximum of 30 students per class.
  • New Students shall be enrolled at Amman Academy based on the following priority order:
  • Children of AMNT’s employees who are provided with housing and living on Townsite.
  • Children of AMNT’s business partners and contractors who are provided with housing and living on Townsite.
  • Other students from off-site, provided places exist and they meet the enrolment criteria set out in Point 8 of the policy below. All external enrolments will be individually approved by the Board (Yayasan).
  • The School’s administration is to coordinate with PTAMNT management as well as the companies of associated contractor employees who have children aged 3-19 years and have received housing allocations in Townsite.
  • Prospective students who are to be enrolled in Playgroup are 3 years old or above commencing on 31st June, do not use pampers, pass toilet training and show the appropriate level of developmental maturity.
  • As long as there is a place, a student who was born up to October may be considered for enrolment into the Playgroup class starting in the second semester and on the proviso that they will repeat the class the following year.
  • The Student Admission process will be conducted through interviews by the classroom teacher, principal or designee and the results of interviews and placement of students submitted to the Head of School. The Head of School has the final decision on which class a student will enter.
  • Parents are to provide the school with all necessary documents, including copies of previous school’s reports, reports from education specialists etc.
  • All applicants are required to declare all potential inclusion and learning difficulties on their application form.
  • Applicants with social/emotional issues, learning difficulties or other learning needs must detail all such situations on their application forms in detail for further discussion at interview with the head of school. Any associated reports, along with details of extra support the applicant is receiving, must also be provided at the time of application. The school reserves the right to refuse applications where the student appears to have needs that cannot be met by the current programme.
  • If we decide that we are unable to accommodate a student’s learning needs, the student will not be able to continue at Amman Academy.
  • The school is continually upgrading its human and physical resources to continue to be an ‘open access’ institution and to be a genuinely inclusive school. However, we believe that it would be unethical to admit students with any learning difficulties where we genuinely and currently cannot meet their needs with confidence.
  • From information supplied by parents, or through the initial interview, if any prospective students have special needs then the school will set an assessment / interview with the School Counselor and the results submitted to the Head of School as material which will inform any enrolment decision making.
  • The new student orientation process will be delivered by each class Homeroom teacher, with classroom observations and general information shared with the parents and students concerned.
  • The School Administration will inform all Homeroom teachers concerned regarding the placement of new students in the class. This will include sharing of student reports and any relevant records.
  • When a student leaves the School, the parents must complete all necessary documents, including the student exit form.
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