Language Policy

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Amman Academy is a school of integrity with learners from the global community.


In alignment with Amman Academy’s mission and vision statements it was recognized that there was a need to develop a policy to cater for all learners.


Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating, and permeates the whole curriculum. It is necessary not only to learn language, but to also learn about language and through language. (IB, Making the PYP Happen, 2007)

  1. Language is a means of communication and a medium for teaching and learning
  2. All staff are language teachers and learners.
  3. Language is an expression of one’s culture and identity.
  4. Learning languages supports intercultural awareness and enriches personal development.
  5. First Language must be acknowledged and supported where possible.
  6. Language is a resource for making meaning
  7. Language is integral to explore and sustain personal development, cultural identity and intercultural understanding
  8. Learning best takes place in authentic contexts
  9. Literature plays a crucial role in enabling language learning to occur.
Policy statement

English is the main language of instruction and communication during school hours with consideration and implementation of the following:

  • To cater for individual needs, the first language will often be drawn upon to reinforce academic concepts and vocabulary
  • Teachers will endeavor to understand and support student’s efforts to communicate in whatever language they use.
  • Students will be encouraged to use any resources that support their learning, especially in their first language.
  • In the Early years, a multi-lingual approach is encouraged as our youngest learners learn Bahasa Indonesia and English simultaneously in a supportive environment. Other first languages will also be considered in the learning process.
  • In all classes, all teachers are expected to teach their lessons in English, except for Bahasa Indonesia lessons.
  • All students will be encouraged to learn through English. If a student constructs their meaning in another language, they will be encouraged to share their understanding in English. If they are unable to do this they will be provided with the opportunity to share their understanding in their first language.
  • All teachers are responsible for supporting students in English as an Additional Language (EAL), taking into account the individual language needs of each student as they plan, implement and evaluate lessons supported by the Amman Academy Language scope and sequence.
  • Students whose first language is other than Bahasa Indonesia will be provided a course in learning Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Additional consideration is given to students for whom Bahasa Indonesia is their first language through an additional PYP Scope and Sequence, the National Curriculum Guidelines and the Secondary 1 PYP framework for older learners.
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