Student – Code of Conduct

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The school community recognizes that effective learning can only occur in a secure environment where the rights and responsibilities of others are known and respected and where standards and rules are fairly and consistently applied. Managing the Code of Conduct is a shared responsibility between the student, parents/guardians and the school. All students and families have ready access to support offered by Classroom Teachers, Home Room Teachers, and Principals.


The Objectives of this Code of Conduct are to:

  • Promote a healthy school culture, which permits high levels of achievement and success in all areas of school life.
  • Ensure a purposeful, secure and orderly teaching and learning environment.
  • Recognize the need to support students with disabilities as well as students from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
  • Promote high standards of behavior and self-discipline amongst students.
  • Enable the resolution of discipline matters at the school level.
  • Students who experience difficulty behaving in accordance with the Code of Conduct are encouraged to reflect upon and modify their behavior.

This Code of Conduct rests on the following Principles:

  • All individuals are valued and treated with respect.
  • Students have a right to work in a secure environment where, without intimidation, bullying or harassment they are able to fully develop their interests, talents and ambitions.
  • Students and staff have a right to participate in a learning environment free of direct or indirect discrimination based on sex, race, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or physical or mental disability or impairment.
  • Parents have the right to expect that their children will be educated in a secure environment in which care, courtesy and respect for the rights of others are encouraged.
  • Teachers have a right to teach in a supportive and cooperative environment.
  • Principals and teachers have an obligation to implement this Code of Conduct in a fair, reasonable and consistent manner.

All students should become actively involved in their educational programme where age appropriate.

Benefits for students include:

  • Self-advocacy to have personal needs met
  • Personal independence and life skills
  • Self-confidence and self esteem
  • Active participation in purposeful learning experiences
  • Achievement of improved learning outcomes.

Parents/caregivers know their child well and have essential information not only about the child at home and in the community, but also about their education. They often provide continuity if their child changes schools or teachers and where possible, will need to:

  • Know that a documented plan is considered and developed
  • Have their knowledge about their child respected and valued
  • Be invited to contribute to each stage of the planning cycle
  • Contribute to goals, aspirations, outcomes, targets and strategies.
  • Be included in collaborative decision making
  • Agree to the content of the plan
  • Be provided with a copy of the plan.

Where parents/ caregivers choose not to become directly involved in the documented planning process, they still need to be informed about their child’s IEP, provided with a copy and invited to participate in any subsequent review of the plan. A lack of involvement by the parent/caregivers does not reduce the schools obligation to develop an IEP.


Amman Academy Expectations for students

Be safe

Be responsible

Be prepared

Be respectful to yourself, others and the environment

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