Academic Integrity Policy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Status: New Version starting July 2024
Last revision: November 2024
Next Review: November 2026


Academic Integrity

This academic integrity policy creates a culture of learning and provides clear direction to the whole school community about expected behaviour. This policy outlines the school’s commitment to the development of good practices and sound procedures and will be shared with the school community and shared on our new website.

The main aims of the academic integrity policy are;

  • Establish procedures, expectations, responsibilities and good practices that deal fairly with individual breaches of academic integrity.
  • Establish a common understanding for the whole school community about the nature of academic Integrity. To develop good practices and the promotion of academic integrity across the school developing students skills gradually.
  • To represent the school principles of creating a principled school culture.
  • To motivate and improve students’ learning outcomes through assessments.
  • To maintain fairness, trust, clarity and credibility and develop respect for others and their intellectual property.

This policy applies to all students, staff, board members, volunteers and parents at Amman Academy. This policy aligns with underlying IBO documentation.

School Policy
  • All students and staff should understand the basic meaning and importance of academic integrity and follow practises and procedures relevant to their age and IB programme (PYP, MYP or DP)
  • All students and staff should be able to recognise practise of academic integrity to be learned through the formal curriculum and pastoral practises
  • All members of the community should produce ‘authentic’ pieces of work fully acknowledge and created in an academically honest manner
  • All members of the community should understand and obey the rules and regulations relating to proper conduction of examinations
  • All members of the community should understand the procedures and sanctions that will follow if there is suspicion of violation of the protocols of the academic integrity policy and the subsequent consequences and imposed penalties if found guilty.
  • This policy refers to all assignments set and completed in school or at home, ranging from basic pieces of homework, individual assignments, group work, written examinations, oral exams, video tasks, internet activities to formal coursework assessments, within examination requirements. consequences and imposed penalties if found guilty

Academic Integrity at Amman Academy

Amman Academy’s Academic Integrity Policy aligns with the IB Approaches to Learning, nurturing the essential skills required for responsible learning. It underscores that Academic Integrity is not merely a school principle, but a lifelong skill that students will carry with them into their future lives and careers. At Amman Academy we expect our whole community, students, faculty, support staff, parents and the board to behave honestly and with integrity.

This policy, at its core, reflects Amman Academy’s overarching vision to ‘Fostering global citizens by providing a quality and meaningful learning experience’. The IB learner profiles traits are seamlessly woven into all teaching and learning activities at Amman Academy, where both educators and our broader community wholeheartedly embrace the value of integrity. ATL’s are explicitly taught and our students are taught to be principled, good communicators and critical thinkers. Our schools vision of ‘Fostering global citizens by providing a quality and meaningful learning experience’ is further supported by this academic integrity policy through;

  • Teaching skills and attributes for lifelong learning across all years. This enables students to become global citizens that embody ethical and moral codes of conduct in their lives for the benefit of society.
  • Integrity is a key component of students’ academic experiences. By demonstrating integer behaviour our students will follow example.
  • Awareness that those who cheat gain an unfair advantage over those who don’t cheat and impact others negatively.

Academic integrity is a key part of our curriculum planning and will help our students to create authentic work and faculty to develop a creative and challenging learning environment. It will help to develop every student’s potential.

Academic integrity;

  • Teaches a structured way to research and communicate ideas that validates the product and process.
  • Encourages academic habits that lead to a greater variety of research methodology, trans-disciplinary skills and encourages critical literacy.
  • Encourages students to question, analyse and adapt ideas from various sources
  • Students are entitled to a fair and unbiased examination of their work, and to objective grading of their performances. This leads to a fair assessment for all.
  • Develops a respect for others through an understanding that is acceptable to use the ideas, words or work of others in a way that is appropriately acknowledged worldwide.
  • Ethical practices maintain trust and credibility amongst the community and maintain fairness for all its members.

What is academic misconduct?

Academic misconduct is a behaviour (whether deliberate or inadvertent) that results in, or may result in, the student or any other student gaining an unfair advantage (or a behaviour that disadvantages other students) in one or more assessment components. (IBO:2023)

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