World Scholars Cup – Novemebr 2024

This November, Sekolah Buin Batu students successfully participated in the prestigious Tournament of Champions (ToC) , an internationally recognized academic competition in Yale, Amerika, The ToC brings together top-performing students from around the world to compete in various academic and skill-based challenges, including team debates, collaborative writing, Scholar Bowl and Scholar Challenge.

Our students demonstrated outstanding performance throughout the competition, showcasing their critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork. They excelled in multiple categories, earning accolades and bringing immense pride to the Sekolah Buin Batu community.

The following are the wrap up of their achievements in this Tournament of Champions, 14-20 November 2024; 

Gold Silver
JuniorNabila Aisha Arafi, Year 8 :  Silver medal in team debates

Silver medal in debate champion

Safri Kurniawan, Year 8

Silver medal in team debates

Fathan Ramadhan Isdarto, Year 8

Silver medal in team debates

Silver medal in debate champion

SeniorAudrey Nadya Nadifa

Gold medal in writing

Audrey Nadya Nadifa

Silver medal in barely seniors

Arafat Abdullah Hanif

Silver Medal in individual team debate

Silver medal in scholar bowl

Silver medal in team debate

Silver medal in team writing

Zalfa Alya Lisastra

Gold medal in writing

Zalfa Alya Lisastra

Silver medal in individual debate

Silver medal in scholar bowl

Silver medal in team debate

Silver medal in team writing

Tamam Heliansyah

Silver medal in scholar bowl

Silver medal in writing

Silver medal in team debate

Silver medal in team writing

Keizia Yanello Togatorop

Silver medal in writing

Keitaro Pongpadondan Sampetoding Tandilolo

Silver medal in barely seniors


Written by Zalfa Alya Lisastra Y9 -Winner of  the gold medal in writing

From building new connections to partaking in thrilling debates to the overflowing excitement upon hearing the clicking sounds of medals; the Tournament of Champions is a once-in-a-lifetime and golden experience for me. 

Being in a team of people you don’t know and having to complete tasks with them may initially sound intimidating. However, the happiness from getting to know each other and laughing about the questionable tasks at hand is worth the try. It all happens in the socializing event called the Scholar’s Scavenge. There were exciting tasks such as forming a train-chain with others, or awkward ones like proposing to a tree, and even more questionable ones like teaching an alpaca to speak Spanish. Yet all of this broke the ice and made us all giggle. Eventually, it was laughing and talking about how weird the tasks were that made us bond with each other. It was an unforgettable experience of sharing a laugh that is always worth remembering.

After all the giggling and chuckling, there comes the day called the “Triple Threat” . It was as challenging as the name suggests. The most nerve-wrecking, yet thrilling part of the Triple Threat day is the debate. Debating not only gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts in support of my stance but to also hear others’ thought-provoking ideas that made the discussions incredibly enriching. There were engaging prompts in Scholar’s Writing that made us think creatively beyond our world and immerse deeply in our own imagination! There were also engaging debate motions that put us in an unfamiliar setting of impromptu research and speaking. However, it was all that made the learning experience elevating and enjoyable.

At the end of the day, nothing beats the relief of completing the Triple Threat day. Going out of the room, knowing that my team and I’s chemistry and argument throughout the challenge was on point gave us the feeling of relief and confidence. We were all full of hope that our hard work would yield remarkable results. In the awarding ceremony, the room soars with shouts of excitement. People were running up and down the stage eager to get their medals, and so was I. The stage was grand and a display of opulence. Walking on it gave me a sense of surrealness as I received my medal. Altogether the room erupted with the clicking sound of medals and cheers of support and excitement.

In the grand scheme of things, the Tournament of Champion was an experience that words could only describe so little. The Scholar’s Challenge, Debate, Writing, and Bowl taught me new knowledge in all subject areas and improved my writing and speaking skills in unfamiliar situations with engaging prompts and motions. The friendly staff and friends there fostered a sense of belonging all throughout the event, and even Rounds. In the end, teamwork, topped off with hard work, makes the dream work!