Bali – Volleyball Tournament.

From November 29 to December 1, students from Years 9–12 proudly represented AMMAN ACADEMY  at the annual Bali Island School (BIS) Volleyball Invitational. Following a successful Term 2 volleyball season and a rigorous selection process, SBB entered both a boys’ and a girls’ team into the competition.

The tournament featured six schools in each pool, competing in a round-robin format to determine rankings before advancing to the knockout stages. Over five matches, where each team faced every other school once, the SBB boys secured 1 win, 1 draw, and 3 losses, placing 4th in their pool. Meanwhile, the SBB girls achieved 2 wins and 3 losses, also finishing 4th in their group.

In the finals, the boys triumphed in their 4th vs. 5th match against Taman Rama Intercultural School (Bali), earning a spot in the 3rd-place playoff. In a thrilling match against Green School (Bali), they showcased outstanding resilience and skill, securing an impressive victory and finishing 3rd overall.

Unfortunately, the girls’ team, despite their earlier success against Taman Rama, struggled with fatigue and match fitness in the finals, narrowly losing the 4th vs. 5th playoff. This result placed them 6th overall based on percentage rankings.

As this was A.A’s second year participating in the tournament, it has been rewarding to see the remarkable growth in our students’ skills and teamwork over the past 12 months. We are already looking forward to seeing how our teams perform at next year’s Bali Volleyball Invitational!

Looking ahead, students from Years 8–12 will have the opportunity to try out for the Wesley International School Basketball Tournament, scheduled to take place in Malang in early February. Interested students must sign up via the Google Form that will be shared by Pak James and attend tryouts to earn a spot on the team.

Report & Photo Credit: PE Team


Dari tanggal 29 November hingga 1 Desember, siswa dari Kelas 9–12 dengan bangga mewakili AMMAN ACADEMY dalam turnamen tahunan Bali Island School (BIS) Volleyball Invitational. Setelah musim bola voli Term 2 yang sukses dan proses seleksi yang ketat, SBB mengirimkan tim putra dan tim putri ke kompetisi tersebut.

Turnamen ini menampilkan enam sekolah di setiap pool, yang bersaing dalam format round-robin untuk menentukan peringkat sebelum maju ke babak gugur. Selama lima pertandingan, di mana setiap tim menghadapi setiap sekolah lain satu kali, tim putra A.A meraih 1 kemenangan, 1 seri, dan 3 kekalahan, sehingga menempati peringkat ke-4 di pool mereka. Sementara itu, tim putri A.A  meraih 2 kemenangan dan 3 kekalahan, juga finis di peringkat ke-4 dalam grup mereka.

Di babak final, tim putra berhasil memenangkan pertandingan peringkat 4 vs 5 melawan Taman Rama Intercultural School (Bali), sehingga mendapatkan tempat di playoff perebutan peringkat ke-3. Dalam pertandingan yang mendebarkan melawan Green School (Bali), mereka menunjukkan ketangguhan dan keterampilan yang luar biasa, meraih kemenangan impresif dan finis di peringkat ke-3 secara keseluruhan.

Sayangnya, tim putri, meskipun sebelumnya berhasil melawan Taman Rama, mengalami kelelahan dan kurangnya kebugaran dalam pertandingan final, sehingga kalah tipis di playoff peringkat 4 vs 5. Hasil ini membuat mereka berada di peringkat ke-6 secara keseluruhan berdasarkan persentase peringkat.

Sebagai tahun kedua A.A. mengikuti turnamen ini, sangat menyenangkan melihat pertumbuhan luar biasa dalam keterampilan dan kerja sama tim siswa kami selama 12 bulan terakhir. Kami sudah menantikan bagaimana tim kami akan tampil pada Bali Volleyball Invitational tahun depan!

Menantikan Kompetisi Berikutnya
Ke depan, siswa dari Kelas 8–12 akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi Turnamen Bola Basket Wesley International School, yang dijadwalkan berlangsung di Malang pada awal Februari. Siswa yang berminat harus mendaftar melalui Google Form yang akan dibagikan oleh Pak James dan menghadiri seleksi untuk mendapatkan tempat di tim.

Laporan & Foto: Tim PE