Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is a mandatory component that students need to complete to receive their IB diploma. The aim of CAS is to be balanced as a student, to develop your creative mind, your active body and support others and the world around you. CAS aligns with our Service as Action programmes in the MYP as well as Physical & Health Education course.
Students in the DP are free to develop their individual CAS programme over the course of the 2 years. This will allow them to have ownership and responsibility on their own activities. It will also help them in other than academics develop practical skills. The service element is a key component of our school community and while guided in the MYP, in the DP students are expected to take more initiative in the completion and planning of these service opportunities.
Students will need to keep track of their CAS portfolio over the course of 2 years and need to make sure they have ‘evidence’ of all 7 learning outcomes to be able to pass the CAS course.
What is the last time you did something for the first time?
If you would like to know more about CAS, please check the IBO website!
Article credit: Mrs. Neeraja