Two days of Merdeka Curriculum (October 28-29, 2024) at SMA Amman Academy, took place in the Theater and theater lobby. The training was attended by 15 SMA-Amman Academy teachers and 38 participating teachers from 18 SMA throughout West Sumbawa Regency. During the training, officials from the Office of the Head of the KSB Branch Office, Pak. Suprianto, S.Pd-Bio. and team also attended. The training went smoothly and pleasantly, the participants enthusiastically participated, asked questions, discussed, and worked together in collaborations grouped with group teachers. Much of the enlightenment and understanding of the curriculum obtained by the participants was conveyed during the IH program evaluation fifteen minutes before the closing of the event. The training theme: “Merdeka Curriculum”; Policy, Implementation, and Best Practices has opened the participants’ understanding of the spirit of the curriculum (curriculum philosophy), challenges and obstacles to implementation in the field in achieving the ideal (best practice). Sharing between participants was lively and enthusiastic to be involved. Discussions and sharing of experiences also occurred when discussing the P-5 Project at the level of implementation experience in the field. In between the speaker’s presentation, many participants asked questions aboutgood teaching practices in the classroom and the implementation of P-5.
Dua hari kurikulum Merdeka (28-29 Oktober 2024) di SMA Amman Academy, berlangsung di Teater dan lobby teater. Training di-ikuti 15 guru SMA-Amman Academy dan 38 guru peserta dari 18 SMA Se-kabupaten Sumbawa Barat. Selama acara training dihadiri diikuti pula para pejabat dari kantor Kepala Cabang Dinas – KSB Bapak Suprianto, S.Pd-Bio. dan team. Training berlangsung lancar dan menyenangkan, para peserta antusias mengikuti, bertanya, berdiskusi, bekerjasama dalam kolaborasi yang dikelompokkan dengan guru rumpun. Banyak pencerahan dan pemahaman kurikulum yang diperoleh para peserta disampaikan saat evaluasi program IH lima belas menit sebelum penutupan acara. Training bertemakan: “Merdeka Curriculum”; Policy, Implementasi, and Best Practises telah membukakan pemahaman para peserta terkait roh kurikulum (filsafat kurikulum) tantangan dan hambatan implementasi di lapangan dalam mencapai ideal (best praktis). Sharing diantara peserta berlangsung hidup dan bersemangat untuk terlibat. Didiskusikan dan saling sharing pengalaman terjadi pula saat membahas P-5 Projek pada tataran pengalaman implementasi di lapangan. Disela-sela presentasi pembicara, banyak peserta bertanya seputar praktik baik mengajar di kelas dan implementasi P-5.
Credit: Article – Pak Anselmus Ardy