We are happy to share the news about our students’ performances in the recent O2SN and OSN competitions in Indonesia. These events provided an excellent platform for our students to showcase their talents and dedication.
Our congratulations go to all the students who participated in these competitions. Their hard work, determination, and passion have brought great pride to our school community.
We would also like to extend our appreciation to our dedicated teachers for their support and guidance towards our students. We also thank them for giving of their time so willingly on weekends and after work hours. Additionally, we thank our parents for their continuous encouragement, support and involvement.
Together, we celebrate the accomplishment and look forward to even greater successes in the future.
Dengan senang hati kami membagikan berita tentang penampilan para siswa kami dalam kompetisi O2SN dan OSN baru-baru ini di Indonesia. Acara-acara ini memberikan platform yang luar biasa bagi para siswa kami untuk menunjukkan bakat dan dedikasi mereka.
Ucapan selamat kami sampaikan kepada semua siswa yang berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi ini. Kerja keras, tekad, dan semangat kalian telah membawa kebanggaan besar bagi komunitas sekolah kita.
Kami juga ingin menyampaikan apresiasi kami kepada para guru yang berdedikasi atas dukungan dan bimbingan mereka terhadap para siswa kami. Kami juga berterima kasih atas kesediaan mereka meluangkan waktu di akhir pekan dan setelah jam kerja. Selain itu, kami berterima kasih kepada para orang tua atas dorongan, dukungan, dan keterlibatan mereka yang terus menerus.
Bersama-sama, kita merayakan pencapaian ini dan berharap untuk kesuksesan yang lebih besar di masa depan.
OSN Subject | Amman Academy Student representatives | Result |
Economy | Kayana Trian Zahra | 1st in Regional Level (Sumbawa Barat) – eligible for provincial level (OSNP) Waiting for the result of the OSNP |
Earth Science | Josephine Lauryan Napitupulu | 1st in Regional Level (Sumbawa Barat) |
Geography | Daniella Roanne Lesnussa | 3rd in Regional Level (Sumbawa Barat) |
Informatics | Denis Prayoga De Grazia | 10th in Regional Level (Sumbawa Barat) – eligible for provincial level (OSNP) Waiting for the result of the OSNP |
Informatics | Alief Davin Eriandra | 11th in Regional Level (Sumbawa Barat) – eligible for provincial level (OSNP) Waiting for the result of the OSNP |
Math Olympiad, primary level |
| Waiting for the result |
O2SN Swimming |
| 1st in Regional Level (PYP) (Sumbawa Barat) |
Athletic |
| 2rd in Regional Level (PYP)(Sumbawa Barat) |
Swimming |
| 3rd in Regional Level (MYP)(Sumbawa Barat) |
Swimming |
| 1st in Regional Level (SMA) (Sumbawa Barat) |
Math OSN SMP |
| Waiting for the result |