PYP Multi-Sport Exhibition – April 2024

The recent PYP Multi-Sport Carnival at Amman Academy was a great success, showcasing the talent, teamwork, and enthusiasm of our students. The carnival, held on Monday 22 April, featured soccer and basketball, with students representing their house teams in spirited competition.

The day kicked off with great energy as students, sporting the colors of their respective house teams (blue, red, green, and yellow), gathered to participate in the matches. Each team had the opportunity to play two soccer matches and two basketball matches, allowing them to demonstrate their skills and teamwork developed over the term 3 Physical Education classes (PSPE).

It was inspiring to see how much our students have learned and grown in their sporting abilities throughout the term. The carnival provided a platform for students to not only showcase their skills but also to reinforce the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and physical well-being.

The atmosphere was electric, with cheers and encouragement from students, teachers, and parents alike. It was evident that the carnival was not just about competition, but also about fostering a sense of community and school spirit. Students embraced the opportunity to support their teammates, showing great sportsmanship and respect for their opponents.

Congratulations to everyone involved, and thank you to all the teachers, staff, and volunteers who helped make the event a success. We look forward to more exciting sporting events and opportunities for our students to shine in the future.

Karnaval Multi-Olahraga PYP baru-baru ini di Amman Academy sukses besar, menunjukkan bakat, kerja tim, dan antusiasme siswa kami. Karnaval yang diadakan pada hari Senin, 22 April, menampilkan dua olahraga yang seru, sepak bola dan bola basket, di mana para siswa mewakili tim rumah mereka dalam kompetisi yang penuh semangat.

Hari dimulai dengan energi besar ketika para siswa, mengenakan warna tim rumah mereka masing-masing (biru, merah, hijau, dan kuning), berkumpul untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertandingan. Setiap tim memiliki kesempatan untuk bermain dua pertandingan sepak bola dan dua pertandingan bola basket, memungkinkan mereka untuk menunjukkan keterampilan dan kerja tim yang mereka kembangkan selama kelas Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan (PSPE) pada periode ke-3.

Sungguh menginspirasi melihat seberapa banyak siswa kami telah belajar dan berkembang dalam kemampuan olahraga mereka sepanjang periode tersebut. Karnaval ini menyediakan platform bagi siswa untuk tidak hanya menunjukkan keterampilan mereka, tetapi juga untuk memperkuat pentingnya kerja tim, sportivitas, dan kesehatan fisik. (Source: ChatGPT used for translation of original text)